Page 70 of Always Been Yours

“Are you okay?” Panic filled my ex’s voice.

I halted abruptly, nearly tripping over my own feet. “Yes, why?”

“Thank god.” A shuddering breath came over the line. “I was so worried.”

“Why?” I demanded. “What’s going on?”

He released another long breath, then seemed to gather himself. “Darrel Weich was just here.”

I turned cold inside. “Where? At your place?”

“No, at the tattoo parlor.” His tone was strained. “He barreled into the shop and started yelling about how you were in danger and he needed to save you.”

My knees felt weak. I put my hand on the wall to steady myself. This was a nightmare. I’d gotten Darrel Weich out of my life and hadn’t heard from him since, but with one act, it was as if I was back where I’d been five years ago.

“Do you think he’ll try to kidnap me again?” I asked tremulously.

“I don’t know.” He sounded exasperated. “I tried to ask what he wanted, but he wouldn’t talk sense. I got close enough to touch his shoulder and tell him to calm down so I could understand what he was saying, but then he grabbed me and slammed me against the wall. After that, he freaked out and ran before anyone could stop him.”

I clutched the phone tighter. “Do you know where he was going?”

“No, but he was seriously worked up about something. If there’s even a chance he could have figured out where you live, you need to get out of there.”

“I will.” I bit my lip hard to ground myself in the present. I couldn’t let the trauma of the past dig its claws into me or I wouldn’t stay calm enough to do what needed to be done. “Thanks for calling. I’m sorry he barged in there. I hope it didn’t cause you too much trouble.”

Ryan scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not your fault the guy lost it. I’m just sorry we didn’t stop him from leaving.” He hesitated, then added, “Seriously, Grace. Go somewhere safe. Lie low. And please let me know you’re okay. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll worry.”

“I’ll keep in touch,” I promised. “I doubt he found me or he wouldn’t have come to the parlor, but even if he has and he’s coming here, you gave me a good head start.”

“I hope it’s enough.”

“It will be.”

We said goodbye, and I pushed off from the wall, swaying slightly as I tried to straighten. I made it to the living room and flopped onto the sofa, then I opened the contacts on my phone and found Nate’s number. He answered on the second ring.

“Hey, Gracie. Do you feel sick again? I knew you should have stayed home.”

“Nate,” I said more firmly than I thought I was capable of in my current mindset.

He stopped rambling. “Yeah?”

“Ryan called.” As calmly as I could, I explained what had happened. Nate’s responses grew terser with each detail. I could tell he was pissed. He viewed Weich’s actions as a personal affront because Weich was disturbing my life and Nate had assigned himself as my protector.

“I’m glad you called me immediately,” he said. “I’m going to issue an alert for people to be on the lookout for Weich. In the meantime, can you and Alice pack everything you need and go to either my place or hers?”

“We’ll go to yours,” I agreed, knowing Alice liked to keep her work out of her home as much as possible.

“Good. Make sure you aren’t alone. We don’t know where Weich is, but it sounds as if he’s had some kind of mental break, and he might be dangerous.”

“I’ll stay with Alice,” I promised. If he turned up, Alice would probably fight him herself. She was fierce like that.

“Thanks, Gracie.” His voice softened. “If we find anything, you’ll be the first to know.”



“That must be Maddy,”I said, hearing a knock on the door. “Tess, are you all packed?”