Page 38 of Always Been Yours

I pondered that. It would explain the unusual vibes I’d been getting from him lately and the strange way I’d seen him looking at me when he thought I wasn’t paying attention. But if that was the case, did that mean he was only seeing me differently out of some perceived sense of competition with Ryan? If he knew I’d always make time for him and Tess regardless of my relationship status, would his interest disappear?

I voiced these thoughts to Ryan. Unhelpfully, he had no answer.

“All you can do is talk to him about it and see what he says,” he advised. “Be brave, Grace. You have a chance here. If I had even the slightest shot with Nisha, I’d take it. If you don’t, you’ll always wonder.”

I petted Duke, knowing how easy it was for Ryan to say that when he wasn’t in my position. His most important friendship wasn’t on the line.

“I’ll bear it in mind,” I said when it became obvious that he expected a reply.

But honestly, I felt as lost as ever. I had no idea what would happen tomorrow, and part of me wished the morning would never arrive so I didn’t have to deal with the fallout.



I'd messedup with Grace.

Despite being exhausted, I’d barely managed to sleep after she left on Sunday night. I’d woken before dawn with gritty eyes and a heavy heart. I had hoped she might be open to exploring whether we could cross the line that had always been drawn in the sand, but now I was afraid I’d damaged our friendship irrevocably. After all, the way she’d run from me left little room for interpretation.

I pulled myself together enough to shower, dress, and drop Tess off at school, then I headed to Taste of Destiny and ordered two coffees. I was waiting near the counter when Alice entered wearing a stylish black coat that nipped in around her slender waist, and a beret that few people would be able to pull off. She scanned the line and paused to smile as her gaze landed on me. The barista called my name, and I grabbed my coffees but didn’t leave. Alice may have seen Grace this morning. If so, she might know what had happened last night or be able to share insight into Grace’s state of mind.

“Morning, Alice,” I said after she’d given her order to Eden and stepped aside.

“Good morning.” She rubbed her fingers together. “Brr. Is it just me, or is it cold today?”

“It’s pretty chilly,” I agreed. “Are you getting drinks for yourself and Grace?”

“Yeah.” She blew on the tips of her fingers. “You know she doesn’t function properly until she’s been caffeinated.”

I grinned, my mood lightening a little. “Yeah, she could skip breakfast, but god forbid she miss her caffeine fix.” I stole a glance at her. “Have you seen her yet today?”

“Just briefly. I popped in on the way over.”

I tried to figure out how to broach the subject subtly, but subtlety had never been my strong suit. “How did she seem?”

“Huh?” Alice looked surprised by the question. She shrugged. “Same as usual, I think. She was writing, so I didn’t interrupt.”

Damn, that didn’t help.

“Any sign she wasn’t feeling well or might have been upset?”

Alice frowned. “Is there something I need to be aware of? Did something happen to her?”

“No,” I rushed to say. “Not at all. Nothing like that. I just worry.”

She eyed me warily. “As far as I know, there’s nothing to worry about. She has her shit together far more than the rest of us. Beautiful house, cute puppy, adorable rental cottages, and a job she loves that makes bank.”

I winced. When she put it like that, Grace sounded way out of my league. All I had to offer was a battered heart and a premade family. “Yeah, you’re right. Nothing to worry about.”

I excused myself and took the coffees to the Medical Center, hoping my workaholic twin would already be there. I was in luck. Max’s blue suburban-dad-style minivan was parked in his usual spot. I carried the coffees to the door and knocked. It took a few moments before he opened up.

“Hey, Nate.” He looked surprised to see me. “Come in. I’ve just been doing some last-minute checks on Cissy before one of her friends from the resort comes to collect her.”

“Oh.” I hadn’t considered he might be with a patient. Stupid since, if I’d thought about it, I’d have realized that of course Cissy would still be here. “Are you busy? I can come back later.”

“Nah.” He shook his head. “Just give me a few minutes to finish up. Wait in my office.”

Soon after, he joined me there. I passed him his coffee, and he sniffed it appreciatively.