Page 67 of Always Been Yours

“Sure. If you like.” I hoped it wasn’t anything else about her mother. That would be awkward.

She glanced around as though expecting an eavesdropper to appear from nowhere. “Sometimes, I come up with my own stories.”

I smiled. “You’re a writer?”

She toyed with the pages of her book. “Not like you are. Nobody will want to read my stories.”

My heart ached for her. “Oh, sweetie. I’d like to read one someday, but only when you’re comfortable with it.”

She squirmed in her chair, obviously feeling awkward about what she’d shared. “I want to get it perfect first.”

I sighed. “I feel that. But being perfect isn’t everything, because you’re going to get better every day. So what’s perfect for you today might not be perfect for you tomorrow. You’ve just got to do the best you can and be proud of it.”

She smiled shyly at me. “I can do that.”

She opened her book and started reading. It was only after I’d finished my meal and closed my eyes that she spoke again.

“When I’m ready, I want you to be the first person to read one of my stories.”

Emotion swelled within me. God, I adored this beautiful girl. Tears prickled at the backs of my eyes, and I blinked them away. I loved Tess just as much as I did her father. I’d never stood a chance of resisting her. She and her dad had my whole heart.



When I arrivedhome in the evening, I went straight to the bedroom to check on Grace and was surprised to find her sitting upright, a book on her lap. In the neighboring armchair, Tess looked like her mini-me. My heart warmed. Could anything be more perfect than coming home to these two?

I kissed Grace’s cheek, then Tess’s.

“You look better,” I told Grace.

“Thanks.” She smiled. “I was feeling pretty terrible until a few hours ago, but I’m much better now. Tess has been taking great care of me. She made soup and wouldn’t let me out of bed.”

“Good job.” I patted Tess’s shoulder. “I knew I could count on you.”

Tess beamed. “I even made sure she drank a glass of water every hour because Uncle Max said she needed water.”

I grinned. My daughter was incredible. I had no idea how I’d created her. I’d been a little shit at her age, more interested in playing outdoors and getting as muddy as possible than in helping others.

“That’s great, sweetheart.” I touched the backs of my fingers to Grace’s forehead. It was warmer than usual but only barely. “Do you think you’re up for dinner at the table?”

She smirked. “If I’m allowed to leave the bed.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I rolled my eyes. “Get up. I’m going to change and dig around in the freezer. I think Mum put a casserole in there a while ago.”

“I can help,” she said.

“Nope, not going to happen. You just sit down at the table and take it easy.”

There was a knock at the door.

I frowned. “Expecting anyone?”

“Desdemona said she might drop by after closing,” Grace replied. “It could be her. I’ll check.”

“No, I’ll do it.” I turned to Tess. “Make sure Grace goes directly to the living room and sits down, will you?”

“Yes, Dad.”