Page 22 of Ring of Ruin

I swallowed heavily and said,Thank you for your help.

That odd sense of dangerousness receded just a fraction.We are here if you have further questions, young Aodhán.

And with that, I was released.

The maelstrom faded and my consciousness or spirit or whatever the hell had gone into that place returned to my body. My heart was indeed racing, my breathing rapid and shallow, my chest on fire, and there were dozens of crazed miners drilling into my head. I released the triune and dropped my head into my hands, rocking back and forth for several minutes, trying to take deeper breaths in an effort to control the desperate racing of my pulse and heart.

Eventually, it worked. As the fire in my brain and my chest eased, I leaned forward and, with shaking fingers, poured myself a mug of now lukewarm tea.

It took another ten minutes or so before I approached anything close to normality. I carefully pushed upright. The room spun briefly, and weariness washed through my limbs. I glanced at my watch. Just on three. There was time before my date tonight to grab a bit of sleep.

I gathered up the triune, walked—staggered—into my bedroom, dropping both the Eye and the knives on my bed before moving back out and down to the end of the room. I swept my fingers across the paneling, pulled the hidden lever to release the loft ladder, and then scrambled up. The effort left me trembling and lightheaded. I breathed deeply for several seconds, then rose and padded down the dark and dusty room, the warm greeting of the old wood guiding my steps. When Gran had moved out, Mom had converted this area into a reading-chill-out zone. All her books—many of them centuries old—remained on the shelves exactly where she’d left them, along with the foot-high stack of to-be-reads on the table next to her favorite chair.

But I wasn’t interested in any of the bookshelves—too obvious a hiding place—but instead headed for the small wood heater tucked at the back of the room. Or rather, its flue. The protective mesh around it was broken at the back, and it was just big enough to fit the Codex.

Once it was safely hidden, I made my way back down the loft ladder, stripped off, and fell into bed. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Cynwrig’s apartment was situated on the top floor of a three-story, double-fronted, very gorgeous old Georgian building that was one of many such buildings owned by his family within Deva. I all but ran up the front steps, my bootheels clicking softly on the lovely old tiles. I punched in the keycode and then opened the ornate glass and wooden door. The entrance hall was large, airy, and opulent, with doors to the two ground-floor apartments on the left and the right. An ornate and obviously original, red-carpeted staircase dominated the center of the hall, curving up to the next two levels. I walked over and placed one hand on the banister, feeling the warmth and joy of the song within as I moved up. My bootheels made no sound on the soft carpet, but my heart was beating so loudly, it sounded like a drum.

I reached the top floor and headed left. The apartment to the right belonged to his sister, who I’d yet to meet. And maybe never would, given I was just a fun time rather than a long time. Which, given he wasn’t only a dark elf but the co-heir to the Myrkálfar throne, was understandable.

Technically, of course, there was no such thing as an elven throne let alone an elven king these days, as they’d been forced to swear allegiance to the “true” and very human royal line after they—and most of the fae—had lost the great war eons ago.

We pixies had sensibly kept out of that mess and, as a result, had basically kept all our rights and lands. But then, neither the Fae nor the humans had ever really considered us a threat, in war or out. Which, considering both the Aodhán and Tàileach pixies had once both been guards to the old gods, was rather strange.

I strode across to the door, but before I could tap in the keycode, it opened.

He was buck naked, and I couldn’t help a delighted grin.

Unlike their golden kin, dark elves were neither slender nor delicate, and this man’s powerful body was nothing short of magnificent. His chiseled features were sublime, and his body ebony perfection, from the well-muscled planes of his chest to his washboard abs and the happy trail of dark hair that drew the eye to his long, thick, and getting-ready-for-action cock. Even his damn legs were perfect—long and lean, holding the muscular strength of a runner rather than a weightlifter.

I lazily let my gaze drift up again to meet his; they were a smoky silver filled with heat. The kind of heat that urged me to rip off my coat and have hot and sweaty sex with the man right here in the doorway.

Which was only partially due to the deep and very sexual connection between us. Dark elves had an inbuilt magnetism that could make even the iciest maidens weak with wanting.

Thismaiden had never been considered icy, but oh boy, when he turned on the charm it hit like a club.

“See anything you like?” he drawled.

His voice was deep, velvety smoke, and fanned the fires of wanting to greater heights.

“Plenty, but he’s hogging the doorway rather than being a gentleman and inviting me inside so that I can safely jump his bones without providing a show for the neighbors.”

He laughed, a low sound that danced across my skin as sweetly as a caress, then stepped to one side and waved me through. “I cannot help a twinge of disappointment to see you clothed, but I do approve of the boots. Can I take your coat?”

“Well, it’s definitely too bulky to be doing anything serious in.” I handed him my overnight bag, then turned so that my back was to him and undid my coat’s buttons.

He closed the door and placed the bag down. A heartbeat later, his fingers brushed the back of my neck, sending a light tremor of delight curling through me. He chuckled softly and slid the coat down my arms—so damn slowly that I wasn’t tempted to tell him to just hurry up.

Some things were worth savoring.

“Oh, I do believe we’re both flexible enough to get around—” The rest of the sentence ended in a sharp intake of breath.

Apart from the boots and the necklace that caged the Eye, I was as naked as he.

“Disappointment turns to elation,” he murmured, and casually tossed the coat toward the sofa. It landed on the floor, but I didn’t care, and I didn’t think he did either.

He stepped closer, his breath whispering across my neck, sending a riot of delicious sensations rocketing through me even though he wasn’t physically touching me.