Page 20 of Wraith's Revenge

“It’s a good bet, although we have no proof. The only reason I discovered his existence was because of the gossip brigade. He told a friend who told a friend.”

“Got to love the power of gossips.” We had a brigade in the reservation, and they rarely missed a morsel.

“Yes.” He packed up his things and rose. “Do you and Belle need a lift back home?”

I shook my head. “Ashworth will be waiting in short-term parking for us.”

“Then I will see you here tomorrow at one. Don’t be late.”

“Unless fate intervenes and tosses another dead body my way, I certainly won’t.”

He gave me an odd sort of look that suggested he wasn’t sure if I was serious or not. I smiled and added, “Fate has a habit of doing shitty things like that. And Belle wasn’t wrong when she said this sorcerer was coming after my family.”

“He won’t succeed. Your father is one of the strongest witches within the council.”

“I’m sure Clayton thought exactly the same thing, and look where it got him—torn apart by a pissed-off vampire. Besides, we’re talking about a dark sorcerer here—they’re a whole different ball game.”

I knew that from experience.

“I’m sure the council know what they’re doing.”

“I’m sure they think they do.”

He smiled. “I know you have no reason to trust or believe them, but they are not all incompetent fools.”

“Oh, I know, but let me ask you this—how many powerful supernatural entities have they had to deal with in the last thirteen years? I’m not talking psi bandits or rogue witches here, but fair dinkum demons and the like.”

“None, of course, but that doesn’t mean they can’t pull in experienced people from elsewhere.” He hesitated. “And even if they couldn’t, there are elements within the Black Lantern that would be able to help them.”

My eyebrows rose. “I thought the Society dealt with problematic witches and psychics rather than the supernatural world?”

“They do, but there is the occasional crossover.”

Something Ashworth had once said. I rose and gathered my purse and coat. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

He nodded. “Should be an interesting day—I’ll be calling your mother.”

“Color me unexcited.”

He gave me a sideways glance. “I thought it was only your father you had a less-than-harmonious relationship with?”

“I think ‘combative’ would be a more apt word when it comes to my father. No matter what happens with the case, he still has every intention of trying to sell me off for the family’s gain.”

“You’re an adult. He can’t do or promise anything on your behalf now.”

“Doesn’t stop him from trying.”

“I guess not.” He opened the door and ushered me out of the room. “If that is the case, then I would be very cautious about getting too close to him. There’re more sophisticated ways of drugging someone into submission these days.”

“Trust me, when it comes to my father, I’m not getting within ten feet of him.” And I certainly wasn’t going to accept any food, drink, or anything else from him or any other fucking member of my family.

“Good.” He walked me down to the waiting area, nodded to Belle, and then continued on.

Belle picked up her coat and purse and slung them over her shoulder. “How’d the rest of the afternoon go after the fabulousness of my departure?”

I grinned and hooked my arm through hers as we headed for the elevators that would take us down to the parking area. “You weren’t following it all through our connection?”

“Monty rang with another update.”