Hard as it was, he tried not to think about how good Charm felt in his arms. He tried to remember the last time they’d danced together before he’d seen here again at the wedding. It had been that second summer in Alaska, when her roommates were away and he’d spent a week with her in Anchorage. She’d been seventeen then and he’d turned nineteen. They hadn’t gone dancing anywhere for fear of being seen by one of her brother’s friends. So they had danced inside her home to the music on their phones.

Memories flowed through him of that night, and he closed his eyes on a moan. One he was certain she heard. It couldn’t be helped.

At the sound, she buried her face in the hollow of his throat and licked him there. He actually felt molten blood rush through his veins. What was she doing to him? Didn’t she know she was playing with a lit piece of dynamite? Did she not care?

The music stopped. “Thanks for the dance, Charm.” He made a move to step back from her and discovered he couldn’t. He didn’t want to acknowledge the look in her eyes. Her gaze all but saidkiss me. So he lowered his mouth to hers.

She could have politely refused the kiss by pulling back, but she didn’t. The way she was kissing him back made a knot tighten in the pit of his stomach that extended all the way down to his crotch. Dylan broke off the kiss when he felt her hand travel low to his zipper. He caught her fingers in his and pressed their foreheads together as he released a deep breath. “That kind of kiss is liable to get us in trouble.”

“There’s nothing like a little bit of trouble. Don’t you know there’s such a thing as good trouble, Dylan Emanuel?”

He wasn’t all too sure about that. “We need to talk, Charm.”

“I don’t want to talk. I want you.”

He wished she hadn’t admitted to that because he wanted her, too. But they needed to get a few things straight before they could move beyond a kiss. He was about to tell her that when her hand eased beneath his shirt to touch his skin. Her hands felt hot, making him sizzle from the inside out.

The next thing he knew, she was standing on tiptoe and had pressed her mouth to his, determined that they not talk but get into that good trouble she’d alluded to. He couldn’t resist her. He slanted his mouth over hers, claiming it with more intensity than he’d ever done before. He kissed her hard, he kissed her deep and at that moment he was convinced he wanted to get into that good trouble she’d been talking about.

When Charm was swept up in a pair of strong arms and carried back to the sofa, she knew she had to retain control and not get caught up in the moment. However, she wanted to make sure Dylan did. All she had to do was remember the one and only time they’d shared a bed and what had happened the next day. For that reason, she shouldn’t feel any guilt. If he didn’t feel guilty for what he’d done to her, then she certainly wouldn’t feel guilty about her plans for him tonight.

When he sat down on the sofa with her in his lap, she wriggled her bottom. There was no way he didn’t know about her missing undies and bra now. Looping her arms around his neck, she kissed him and he kissed her back, pressing her body closer to his.

Charm’s heart pounded as the area between her legs throbbed. Although she was trying not to get caught up in Dylan’s kiss she was doing so anyway. She wriggled her backside again, glorying in the feel of his erection, and heard herself groan. She wasn’t supposed to do any groaning. He was. But they were groaning together. She closed her eyes as sensations overtook her. When he broke off the kiss she opened her eyes, drew in a deep breath and then pressed her mouth against his again. Unable to get enough of him.

He gave her the kiss she wanted and his hands eased beneath her caftan. His fingertips moved up to the nipples of her breasts and she trembled in his arms. What was happening to her? Why was she losing control? Why did she want Dylan to touch all of her, not just her breasts?

If he could touch her then she could certainly touch him. She began unbuttoning his shirt. When it was completely opened, she covered his chest with her hands, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her fingers.

He broke off the kiss. “Charm, you’re driving me to the edge.”

He was doing likewise to her. She hadn’t expected it. His kisses were drugging. Because of her limited experience, he had always been the one in control of their kisses, even those times when she initiated them. Now, they were both using their tongues for pleasure of the hottest kind.

Dylan’s hand gripped her bottom to stop her from wriggling at the same time he ended the kiss and groaned. “Charm, I’m trying to be the nice guy here.”

She didn’t want him to be the nice guy. She wanted to drive him mindless with lust. “I don’t want you nice, Dylan. I’ve never seen the bad boy in you, and I want to see it.”

He held her gaze. “Not sure that you want to.”

“I do.” There was no reason for him to know being bad wouldn’t go as far as he assumed it would.

“Remember, I’m giving you what you want,” he said, standing with her in his arms and heading up the stairs.

She felt her body flutter with every step he took. When he reached his bedroom and put her on the bed, he joined her there. “I don’t want to be bad all by myself, Charm. Will you be bad with me?”

She could tell him she would, although she didn’t plan to let things go that far. She was determined to remain in control no matter what. “Yes, I’ll be bad with you, Dylan.”

The smile that appeared on his face made her aware of everything about him. There was just something about a Dylan Emanuel smile and although she didn’t want it to, it was getting to her. “Take off your clothes, Dylan. I want to see you naked,” she said in a breathy tone. This was it. When he undressed, she would get up and walk out.

“Okay. After another kiss we’ll both be bad.”

He then leaned in and took her lips again.


Dylan put everything he had, every part of him, all the sexual hunger he’d been holding back into his kiss. He wanted her to know just how much he desired her.

And how much he loved her.