“I saw your press conference, Dyl. I can’t believe one of your old girlfriends tried setting you up like that. Had you been caught with the amount of coke she had planted in your luggage as well as those porn videos, you would have been arrested for sure,” Karl Burgess, Ren’s oldest son of thirty-four, said.

Dylan figured Karl should know since he was a state prosecutor. He decided not to correct Karl about Elise being an old girlfriend of his. He had clarified it with Charm and she was the one who mattered. “I’m glad things turned out the way they did and Seth alerted the FBI. That would have definitely destroyed my reputation and music career.”

“I bet that was her intent,” Renata Burgess said. She was Ren and Hazel’s youngest and the only one not yet married. “I just don’t understand some women. Especially those who think they need to get revenge on a man because he cuts them loose. That’s over the top. They should have more pride than that.”

“Hazel, dinner was wonderful,” Charm suddenly said.

Dylan figured he was the only one who picked up on the fact that Charm was intentionally changing the subject. Why? What part of what Renata said bothered her? Or was it that she wanted to shut down the entire subject because she didn’t want anyone to figure out she’d been the person who’d overheard the conversation? Was she wary about being implicated in some way?

“Thank you, Charm. You are invited back at any time.”


A couple of hours later Dylan was driving back to the ranch. Charm was quiet, although she’d kept a steady stream of conversation between her and the Burgesses at dinner. He could tell they liked her. He wasn’t sure why that was important to him, but it was. On the drive to dinner, Dylan had told Charm that his father and Ren had been best friends while growing up. Whereas Dyrek Emanuel had big dreams of moving away from Idaho, Ren had been satisfied with staying put and raising his family here.

“I like them.”

He glanced over at Charm. The roads between the two farms were void of any streetlights, but he knew his way around without them. There was a full moon in the sky and a silver light shone through the car’s window and illuminated her profile. No matter what angle, Charm’s beauty was always magnified.

“And they liked you.”

That seemed to make her smile and she turned around in the seat to look at him. “You think so?”

“Yes. But then I’m sure they’re curious about you since I’ve never invited a woman to my ranch before.”

“Oh.” Then as if to change the subject, she said, “I like the music that’s playing on the radio.”

He chuckled. “It’s not the radio—it’s a track and one of mine.”

She lifted a brow. “You listen to your own stuff?”

“Sure I do. I listen to hear if anything could have been played better.”

She nodded. “So what are the plans for tomorrow?”

“I thought I’d show you around the property. You can ride a horse, right?”

She chuckled. “Yes. And because I had planned to visit my brother’s ranch in Wyoming after leaving Cancún, I brought jeans and shirts with me.”

“That’s good. Think you can be up and ready around eight? I plan to go over the books with Ren at six.”

“Yes, that won’t be a problem.”

Dylan pulled into the driveway of the Red Flame and for the first time appreciated it was long and winding. He wasn’t ready for his time with Charm to end. When he finally reached the ranch house, he turned off the car’s ignition. “We’re home.”

Too late, he realized what he’d said. From her expression it didn’t seem as if she’d noticed the slip. This was his home and not hers. “Thanks for inviting me here, Dylan.”

He nodded. “I always wanted you to see the ranch. I just regret you never got to meet Gramps and Gramma in person.”

“It was nice chatting with them on the phone, though.”

“Yes, and they thought the same.” Not saying anything else, he got out and walked around the SUV to open the door for her. He held her hand as they walked up the steps together.

“It’s a beautiful night.”

His gaze was drawn to her as he opened the front door. “That’s usually how it is around here. Busy days and peaceful, beautiful nights.”

When they entered his home, he closed the door behind them and she said, “I’d better go now. Good night. I’ll see you in the morning.”