“Are you going to the Red Flame Ranch, or have you changed your mind about joining your band in Ireland?” she asked.

“I’m still going to the ranch.”

“Well, I hope you have a safe trip there. It was nice seeing you again after all these years.”

He cocked his head as if considering her words. “I wanted to spend more time with you, Charm.”

“I wanted to spend more time with you, too.” That was the truth, even if her intent had been to seduce and reject him.

“Then come with me.”

She blinked, certain she had misunderstood him. “Excuse me?”

“I’m inviting you to my ranch. You were to go there with me one day anyway.”

“Yes, but that’s when we were together,” she reminded him.

“Doesn’t matter. I think we should continue rebuilding our friendship, Charm.”

The last thing she needed was to be around Dylan any longer. But spending more time with him would help her carry out her plan, if that’s what she still wanted to do. “Won’t the paparazzi bother you at the ranch?” she asked.

“No. The sheriff is my foreman, Ren’s, cousin. He won’t let anyone get within miles of the Red Flame. I’m catching a ride back to the States on Seth’s private jet. You’re welcome to join me. To throw off the paparazzi we could leave for the airport in separate cars. Seth’s pilot will fly us straight to the ranch. I had an airstrip installed there a couple of years ago.”

“You can fly a plane?” she asked.

“No, but several of my band members can. I also recall that you do.”

She’d been taking flying lessons that summer in addition to piano lessons. “Yes, I even have my own plane now.”

“Good for you.” He took a step closer. “So what do you say, Charm? Will you spend time with me at my ranch in Idaho?”

She nibbled her lips again. “For how long?”

He let out a smooth chuckle. “For as long as you want.”

Her heart thumped erratically at the thought of spending more time with him. No matter what, she would have to remain in control. She released a deep breath, and said, “Yes, I’ll go to the ranch with you.”


The pilot’s voice came through the plane’s intercom. “Time to snap on those seat belts. We’re coming in for the landing.”

Dylan put on his while watching Charm snap on hers. He refused to glance over at Seth who’d been eyeing him with concern for the entire flight. Dylan had little to say while Charm and Seth chatted amicably the entire time.

Shifting in his seat to glance out the window, Dylan wondered if he’d made a mistake by inviting Charm. After his grandparents’ deaths, the Red Flame had been his escape. He considered this his home and he returned whenever he wasn’t on tour. If there was a long stretch in between his visits, Ren would call, check on him and then boldly declare it was time for him to come home for a spell.

“That was a smooth landing, Seth. I need to compliment your pilot,” Charm said, her words breaking into Dylan’s thoughts. He glanced over at her. She wore a pair of jeans and a T-shirt that boldly proclaimed BORN AN OUTLAW. His breath had been snatched out of his throat the moment he’d arrived at the airport and had seen her. He’d noticed other men noticing her as well. They’d probably been wondering just what kind of outlaw she was.

Seth chuckled and responded to her comment. “My pilot enjoys getting compliments.”

Dylan had to agree with Charm. It had been a smooth landing. In fact, it had been a rather calm flight. “So what’s next with Elise?” he asked Seth.

“Because she implicated Chrome, he’s been picked up for questioning. Of course, he denied knowing anything about it. Chances are he will make an attempt to reach out to you. When he does, don’t take his call.”

Dylan nodded. “Anything else?”

“No. Call me if anything new develops and I will do likewise with you.”

A short while later Dylan and Charm were walking down the steps of the plane. Ren had dropped off Dylan’s SUV and once he’d loaded their luggage they said their goodbyes to Seth.