“Are you enjoying yourself, Charm?” His voice was low and his mouth was close to her ear.

“Yes. I told you that.”

“No, you told me how impressive the place was and that you appreciated me for bringing you here. It’s important to me that you enjoy yourself.”

She leaned back to look up at him. “Why?”

“It just is.”

A part of her wanted him to explain further, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for the answers. All she wanted was for him to continue to slow dance with her, hold her close, closer. She placed her head back on his chest, inhaled his scent and, for the moment, she was satisfied.

“Do you need me to carry you?” Dylan asked, opening the car door for her hours later when they’d made it back to the resort. It was past two in the morning and he’d given her just what she’d asked for. A night of dancing. On the drive back she mentioned several times that her feet hurt.

Shaking her head in a way that made all those curls on her head tumble beautifully around her face, she said, “No, I’m fine.”

Yes, she certainly was, he thought, as his gaze drifted over her and that short and sexy dress she was wearing. It was cut in an angle at the shoulders that showed how beautiful and smooth they were. She’d gotten a lot of attention in that dress and those ‘have sex with me’ stilettos.

They had danced every single dance, only sitting out a few when they felt the need to have more wine. He loved the slow dances the best, when he could hold her in his arms while thinking of more intimate things he’d like doing with her.

Her feet were hurting, he could tell, so he swept her into his arms.


“No need for you to torture yourself by walking in those shoes, Charm. They look sexy on your feet, by the way.”

“Thanks. I had to practice how to walk in them.”

“Your practice paid off.” He carried her to her villa, which didn’t cause him any stress because he liked carrying her. “Take out your key for me.”

“I’m glad most people have gone to bed. This is embarrassing,” she said, reaching up and placing her key card in his shirt pocket.

“No, it’s not.”

Evidently, she decided not to argue because she didn’t say anything. It took him a minute to realize she had drifted off to sleep. He had totally forgotten about what happened when she consumed too much wine.

He shifted her carefully in his arms while he slid the key out of his pocket to open her door. After closing it behind them, he moved straight to her bedroom to place her on the bed. Just like the last time, she said his name in her sleep. Sitting on the bed beside her, he removed her shoes and then eased her little purse from her hand to toss it in the chair.

He stood and was about to leave the room when she said, “Kiss me, Dylan.”

Had she whispered the words in her sleep? No, he saw she was very much awake. Then he wondered if it was really her talking or the wine. “Why do you want me to kiss you, Charm?”

“Because I liked it when you did it before.”

Although her eyes looked drowsy, she seemed very much aware of just what she was asking for. It was something she wanted. Hell, it was something he wanted, too.

Sitting back down on the bed beside her, he drew her into his arms and placed her in his lap. He wasn’t sure what got to him the most. Her scent or the look of heated desire in her eyes. It truly didn’t matter because he was a goner with either.

Looking into her eyes, he traced his finger along her chin. “Are you sure you want me to kiss you? It’s going to be long and deep, Charm. I’ll only stop when we need to come up for air.”

“Stop talking and do it, Dylan,” she said in a soft voice.

He lowered his mouth to hers. The moment their lips touched, he heard her sigh of pleasure. When he eased his tongue into her mouth a sea of sensations rippled through him. Common sense told him to take it easy, not to rush, but as their tongues mated in ways they’d never done before, he couldn’t help but take it to the next level. And he had a feeling she would be with him all the way.

Never had a kiss overwhelmed Charm the way this one did. She’d known it would not only rob her of her senses but also create a sexual hunger deep within her. Even now she felt all kinds of wild movements in the pit of her stomach.

She had been kissed by other men since Dylan, but never with his intensity. His mouth took hers hungrily, as if he was trying to make up for lost time. It was drawing every single thing out of her and making her want more.

She tried to convince herself she was not supposed to want more. Her plan was to make him want her, but she was not supposed to want him. At least not with this magnitude. The only good thing about it was knowing his desire for her was real and strong. But she couldn’t lose control of the situation. No matter what, she couldn’t let that happen.