“And remember I said we would bepretending, Charm.”

She nodded. “Okay, as long as it’s all pretense.”

“It will be. Hopefully with us spending time together today, whoever is spying on me will think what Seth wants them to think. Of course, that means we’ll need to make plans to be away from the villa tomorrow as well.”

She stood up. “That’s fine.”

“So what had you planned to do today?” he asked as they began walking back down the steps.

“Go into town to shop.”

“I thought you said you went shopping the other day.”

She smiled. “I did. You know how much I like shopping. Nothing has changed.” She grinned over at him. “Besides, it isn’t every day that jazz guitarist Dylan Emanuel goes shopping with a woman. Or is it?”

“Trust me, it’s not.”

“Then I guess I should feel special.”

He fought the need to say that at one time she’d been the most special person in his life. However, that was one mistake he didn’t intend to repeat.

When they reached the bottom stair, she glanced over her shoulder and frowned.

“What is it?” he asked.

“That woman named Cindy is headed in this direction. Her villa must be somewhere near this area. She’s carrying a tray with enough food for two. And we know why.”

“You sure it’s her?”

“Yes, I’m sure. She won’t recognize me, but there’s no way she won’t recognize you even if the two of you haven’t met.”

He knew she had a point. “You know what this means, right?”

“No, what?”

“Operation Pretend.”

Before Charm could answer, his hands went to her hips to pull her closer just seconds before he lowered his mouth to hers.


Charm sank into Dylan’s kiss. His mouth on hers felt different than before. Maybe it was the way he had tipped her head back to claim it and how easily his tongue slid between her parted lips. She definitely hadn’t expected the sensations that rushed through her the moment he did so. They were pretending, for heaven’s sake. Nobody bothered to tell her hormones that. The kiss was wonderful and she suddenly felt weak in the knees.

Dylan had always been a fantastic kisser, but this adult version of him was even more compelling. He was in control and masterful. She didn’t want to think about how he’d gained such expertise, only that she was benefiting from it. He had her practically melting in his arms.

Just when she was about to lean into him she was wrenched back into reality when he ended the kiss. “Whoa,” he said, whispering close to her mouth. “If that’s pretending then I wonder...”

She licked her lips. Her entire body was on a sensual overload. How was that possible? “You wonder what?”

He met her gaze and pushed a strand of hair back from her face. “Nothing. It’s not important.”

Maybe to him it wasn’t important, but to her it was. Yet she wouldn’t tell him that. Drawing in a deep breath, she said, “Did it work?” Why were his lips still so close to hers? So close she could feel the heady heat of him on her mouth. And why on earth did she want to reach up and place her hands on his shoulders and feel the strength of all those muscles beneath her fingers?

“Did what work?”

“The kiss,” she said.

“Yes, Charm, it worked.”