An idea popped into her head and she pulled her cell phone from her purse. She swiped her fingertips across the screen until she came to the Record app.

“Come on, Cindy. As usual Dylan is being difficult. We’ll stick to our original plan.”

“How will we get into his villa without him knowing about it to plant the cocaine in his luggage?” Cindy asked.

“Like I told you, we’ll find someone in Housekeeping who wants to make some money. They will let me in. Chrome will make sure I have whatever funds I need. All of this was his idea. He has a score to settle with Dylan. Come on. Let’s go to that coffee shop and map out how we’ll get into his villa to plant that cocaine in his luggage. Since you’re allowed at the resort, we need to make sure you and Dylan meet. Then it will be up to you to occupy a lot of his time.”

“Even if that means he and I sleep together?”

“Yes. I’m with Chrome now so Dylan means nothing to me anymore.”

Charm clicked off the Record app and quickly placed her phone to her ear to pretend she was talking to someone when the two women rounded the row of plants that had separated them. Neither glanced her way as they headed in the direction of the coffee shop.

Standing, Charm tucked her phone back inside her purse and headed to where Dylan stood with his back to her. When she came within a few feet of Dylan he turned around with a scowl on his face. Probably thinking she was Elise returning. When he saw it was her, he smiled and Charm nearly missed a step.

She wished he wouldn’t level those gorgeous dark eyes on her. A couple of the top buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a glimpse of a hairy chest. Just when did that happen? Ten years ago, there’d been barely a bit of fuzz there.

Charm tried to ignore the rush of adrenaline trying to take over her senses. She wanted to place the blame on her erratic hormones, but she knew better. She recognized sexual chemistry for what it was. As far as she was concerned, it had no business here. Not now. Not ever. He’d had his chance with her and had blown it. Evidently her body didn’t agree since it was tingling all over the place.

“I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” she said, coming to a stop in front of him. Why did his cologne have to smell so good? It was almost too good for her peace of mind. And why was he standing in such a sexy stance?

“No, I haven’t.”

Although his smile was still in place, she could tell by the look in his eyes he was troubled by something. Did he regret sending Elise away? As far as Charm was concerned, that was the best decision he could have made.

“You look nice, Charm,” he said, looking at her from head to toe.

His compliment only pleased her because he was falling nicely into her plans. She had bought this dress yesterday. It wasn’t as short as the one Elise had been wearing, but with the side slit it still showed a lot of leg and thigh. Dylan used to tell her that she had pretty legs and she hoped he still thought so.

“Thank you, and you look nice yourself.”

“Thanks. Are you ready to go?”

“Yes, I’m ready.”

He then offered her his arm. She took it and he escorted her outside to a waiting convertible sports car. Charm knew that no matter what get-even plans she had for Dylan, she would tell him about the conversation she had overheard between those two women.


Dylan opened the car door for Charm and watched her ease onto the soft leather with such sensuality his body began to throb. He immediately blamed it on the split in her dress that exposed a lot of thigh and leg. His gaze traveled over her hands that clutched her small purse and noted her fingernails were painted a pretty coral. His gaze then lowered to her feet encased in sandals and noticed her toes were polished the same color.

He recalled her saying she’d had an appointment at the spa and wondered what else she had done. He would love to have been a fly on the wall.


His gaze traveled from her feet to her face. “Yes?”

“Is anything wrong?”

He figured she was asking because he was standing there like a nitwit and hadn’t closed the car door yet. Quickly recovering, he gave her a wry smile. “No, nothing is wrong. I was just thinking about something.” That hadn’t been a lie. He’d been thinking about something he shouldn’t.

After closing the car door, he walked around to the other side. He got inside and snapped his seat belt in place as she snapped hers. He could have offered to do it for her, but the temptation was too great. He liked the way she smelled as much as he liked the way she looked.

“Nice car,” she said, pushing hair away from her face as he fired up the ignition.

“Thanks. It’s the one I’m using while I’m here and it’s similar to the one I drive when I’m home.”

“And where is home for you, Dylan?”