She nodded. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I guess deep within my heart I knew you were the only one for me.”

He swept her into his arms and looked down at her. “And in my heart, you are the only one for me. My one and only. The woman I’ve always wanted to marry. Now we can concentrate on new beginnings.”

She nodded and smiled brightly. “Yes, new beginnings.”

He headed up the stairs, and placed Charm on the bed. Dylan stood and stated at her, thinking of how he’d known twelve years ago that he’d loved her. The path to making her his forever hadn’t been easy, but they were here now and he saw happiness in their future.

“What are you thinking about?” Charm asked.

“How much I love you.”

She smiled. “And I love you, too, Dylan.”

He joined her on the bed. It didn’t take long for him to remove her PJs, but it took her a while to work his jeans and briefs off him. Then she tugged his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside.

Leaning back on her haunches her gaze roamed over his naked body. He could actually feel the heat from her eyes. Moments later, when her gaze met his, every part of his body was aroused. He loved how she looked and the lusciousness of her feminine scent. He loved every single thing about her.

When she licked her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, he pulled her into his arms.

“Make love to me, Dylan,” she whispered. “I need to feel you inside me now.”

“Baby, there’s no place else I’d rather be.”

Drawing her closer, he kissed her and her tongue tangled with his fueled by the same desire raging through him. He lowered her to the mattress, unable to hold back any longer. Just like that night on his ranch, he intended to pleasure every inch of her. However, right now, he wanted to be inside of her.

Her legs parted the moment his hard erection touched her inner thigh. He groaned her name when she arched her hips and he eased between her legs. As he thrust into her, her inner muscles clamped hard around his manhood.

“Charm...” He captured her mouth in another kiss, needing her as much as he needed to breathe.

Dylan released her mouth on a tortured groan as she moved beneath him. The force of his thrusts had her calling his name over and over.

Suddenly an orgasm ripped through them both. It was powerful. It was amazing. It was filled with love. Love that had withstood the test of time. Love that was meant to last forever. He knew in his heart that it would. And from the satisfied and happy smile on her face, Charm knew the same thing.

Claudia had a huge smile on her face as she closed the door behind Dylan and Charm, who’d been the last ones to leave. Dinner had gone great and all the Outlaws living in town had come. It had been amusing to see Garth’s, Sloan’s and Maverick’s wives fangirling over Dylan. However, her future son-in-law only had eyes for one woman. Charm.

“What’s the smile for, Claudia?”

She glanced over at Bart who wore a smile that was just as big as hers. He and his daughter were back on speaking terms and all was well. Crossing the room, she walked right into Bart’s open arms. “I...we...have a lot to smile about. Our daughter is getting married.”

Dylan had stated over dinner that he wanted a wedding to take place before the band’s tour began in October. That meant a September wedding. Because weather in Alaska that time of year could be dicey, they would get married in Westmoreland Country in Denver, Colorado. Bart had spoken with his cousin Dillon who said the family would be more than happy to accommodate everyone. A few years ago, Dillon had built a multi-purpose family center he called Westmoreland House on his three hundred acres of property. It had an auditorium large enough to accommodate five hundred guests along with numerous additional banquet and meeting rooms.

That was another thing Claudia was happy about. Mainly how Bart was finally establishing a relationship with his Westmoreland kin. She could tell Dillon had been both surprised and elated by Bart’s request. Finally, after all these years, Bart saw that his fear of losing his identity as an Outlaw was no longer a threat. The Westmorelands were a family of love who stood together, supported each other and would fight to protect their own until the end. And Bart was a part of them.

“You know what I think, Claudia?”

She smiled at Bart. “No, what do you think.”

“I think it would be nice if the parents of the bride got married as well...before the wedding. What about it? Will you marry me next weekend while we’re in New York?”

She held his gaze and could feel his nervousness. After all, this would make the sixth time he’d asked her to marry him. It was time she gave him the answer she wanted to give. “Yes, Bart. I will marry you next weekend in New York. I feel like the mother and grandmother of your sons and grandchildren anyway, and with another baby due to be born any day now and a wedding to plan, not to mention how much I love you, I think the time for us is right. Yes, I will marry you, Bart Outlaw.”

An even bigger smile spread across his face. “I love you, Claudia. I am not perfect but—”

“I don’t want a perfect man, Bart. There aren’t any of them anyway. I want a man who loves me and his family and I know you do. Besides, I love how you’re trying to be a better person each and every day.”

“It’s not easy, Claudia. Some habits are hard to break, and I might slip once in a while.”

“And I’ll be there to make sure your slips don’t become falls. I love you.”