Bart stood. “I need to talk to her and explain why I did what I did.”

“You already have and just so you know, she told me and Claudia everything. I don’t agree with what you did, regardless of why you felt you needed to do it. It’s not just what you did, but how you did it. She’s hurt, upset and heartbroken.”

He paused a moment to let his words sink in before saying, “Charm figured now that she and Emanuel know the truth they could have another go of things, but he’s not interested. She blames you for everything, and it will be a while before she comes around. You’re going to have to give her time. And just so you know, she’s serious as hell about changing her last name to Dermotte and is contemplating leaving Fairbanks and moving to her grandparents’ place in Seward.”

“Damn,” Sloan said. He then looked over at their Dad. “Just what did you do?” he asked angrily.

When Bart didn’t say anything, Garth said, “I think you should tell them everything, Dad. Then if you want your daughter back you need to fix this mess you made. She loves Dylan and a part of me believes he loves her, but since you’re the one who broke them up, it’s going to be up to you to get them back together. And just so you know, Claudia isn’t happy with you either.”

Garth then turned and walked out of the dining room.

“So there you have it,” Seth was saying as he sat on the sofa across from Dylan. “Chrome thought that if Elise got caught he could throw her under the bus by denying knowing anything about her plan. Unfortunately for him, she had receipts. And she’s produced them. Chrome was arrested this morning.”

Dylan stretched his legs out in front of him as he rubbed a hand down his face in frustration. “Chrome didn’t have to do that. There are enough jazz fans out there for the both of us. Why did he feel as if we were in competition?”

“I don’t know. Only Chrome knows that. Jealousy and envy can make people do unexplainable things. Unfortunately, his actions will ruin his musical career for a while. And I wouldn’t feel sorry for him if I were you. Just think of how yours would have been ruined if Elise had pulled off her plan.”

Dylan took another sip of his coffee while studying Seth. “So what’s your reason for coming here, Seth? You could have called with that information.”

Seth stretched out his long legs as well. “True, but I needed to see you for myself. That call I got from you three days ago had me worried. I’ve never known you to be so desperate to find a woman. In fact, I’ve never known you to want to find a woman period.”

Dylan stared into the dark liquid in his cup before glancing back at Seth. “I guess there’s a first time for everything.”

“Well, I hope things got worked out. I like Charm.”

Dylan frowned. First Graham and his band members, then Seth and Ren. What was there about Charm that made people so taken with her? “Sorry to disappointment you, but things didn’t get worked out. I hope I never see her again.”

“What a pity.”

He was about to respond when Seth’s phone rang. He answered it. Dylan had a feeling the call was about him since Seth was looking at him and nodding. The only comment Seth said to the caller was, “Interesting.” Of course Seth had an unreadable expression on his face.

Dylan wondered if Seth had received more information on that Elise and Chrome fiasco. They were the last people on his mind. Unfortunately for him, Charm was who he was thinking of. He couldn’t even place the blame on Seth for bringing her up since he’d been thinking about her constantly for the past three days. Ever since he’d walked out on her at the hotel.

He thought about her upon waking and then at night when it was time to go to bed. No matter how tired he was, he closed his eyes with thoughts of her. He could still smell her scent in his bed as well as the guest room she’d used.

When he’d told Graham what had happened, his best friend had given him the riot act, reminding him that from the beginning Graham had suspected there was more to the breakup than what Charm had written in her text message. Now that the truth was out, Graham felt Charm was just as much a victim as Dylan. Graham didn’t blame her for wanting to get even. That’s how some women reacted, and Graham of all people should know since he had five sisters. He told Dylan there was a reason for the saying, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Dylan glanced over at Seth when he heard him click off the phone. “That was one of my men I left posted at your airstrip. You’re about to get a visitor,” Seth said, with what seemed like amusement in his eyes.

Dylan frowned, wondering who would be coming to his ranch. “Who?”

“Bart Outlaw.”

A scowl covered Dylan’s face as he sat up in his seat. “He isn’t welcome here.”

Seth shrugged. “Too late. His jet has landed and he’s on his way.”

“I don’t have to see him.”

“No, you don’t but I’d think you would want to.”

Dylan’s scowl deepened. “And why would I?”

Seth chuckled. “Because it’s my guess that the two of you have an old score to settle.”

After checking the peephole, Charm opened the door to see three of her brothers standing there. Cash, Sloan and Maverick. “I wanted to check on you before returning to Wyoming,” Cash said as they entered her home.

She had told everyone she wanted to be left alone but evidently that edict had fallen on deaf ears. Jess had visited with her yesterday before flying back to Washington, and Garth, Regan and their son Garrison had stopped by every day. So had her mother.