She didn’t want to ask but did so anyway. “No, what?”

“I think one of the reasons you couldn’t pull it off has nothing to do with the sex.”

Charm rolled her eyes. “Then what did it have to do with?”

“You love him. Whether you admit it or not, you never stopped loving him. And another thing, you were taking a plan from your father’s playbook. There was no way that would work because you aren’t manipulating, cunning and ruthless like Bart Outlaw. I suspect that deep down you honestly didn’t want to deceive Dylan and couldn’t go through with it.”

“I would have gone through with it if he would have kept his lips to himself.”

“Oh,” Piper said, giggling. “Like you didn’t kiss him back.”

Charm frowned. “You’re not helping matters, Piper.”

“Sorry. Just interjecting a little honesty here.”

Charm drew in a deep breath. “I haven’t eaten anything and it’s almost lunchtime. I’m hungry. I think I’ll order room service.”

“Okay. Call us back if you need to talk some more,” Ola said.

She appreciated the offer, but knew she wouldn’t. When she got to Wyoming, she would spend time with Brianna and her nephews and then she would seek privacy in one of those cabins on their property. Now she was glad Cash wouldn’t be at the dude ranch when she got there. He would take one look at her and know something was wrong.

After ordering lunch, she went into the bathroom to wash her face, refusing to shed a single tear again. Her plan had backfired and she knew why. What she couldn’t admit to Piper and Ola was that shehadfallen back in love with Dylan. If truth be told, even after he treated her like crap, she’d never truly fallen out of love with him. That was simply pathetic.

After applying a little makeup to make herself look better even if she didn’t feel better, she went out on the balcony to sit and enjoy the fresh air. She’d known the mistake she was making by going all the way with Dylan, yet she’d done so anyway and, she hated to admit it, but she’d enjoyed every moment. The night had remarkable, terrific and totally fantastic. It had been everything she hadn’t wanted but obviously needed.

Like she told him in that text, since she had no strength when it came to resisting him, it was best if they didn’t see each other again. She’d managed to do without him for ten years and could certainly do without him for another ten. If that was true then why was she sitting there and replaying in her mind every single moment of making love to Dylan and him making love to her? Never had she experienced anything so explosive. Just like she’d told her friends, he’d turned her into a wild woman.

When she heard a knock at the door she stood. She was glad it hadn’t taken the kitchen long to prepare her lunch because she was starving. Throwing caution to the wind she didn’t bother looking out the peephole since this was a secured floor. She opened the door and gasped when she saw Dylan standing there.

Without waiting for her to speak, he said, “I know it was your desire never to see me again, Charm. That’s fine with me, but first I need to tell you that I hope I never see you again as well.”

He then walked past her to enter her hotel room.


“You can’t just walk into my room.”

Dylan turned to face Charm. “Trust me, I won’t stay any longer than it takes for me to tell you what I think of you.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a haughty look. “Really? Then I hope you know I have no problem letting you know what I think of you as well.”

His brows furrowed, not believing she had the audacity to act like she was the injured victim. She had a lot of damn nerve. That made him more determined to say what he’d come to say and leave. “That text you sent this morning proves just what a spoiled, selfish and pampered woman you are, Charm. There’s nothing charming about you, so you need to change your name. If nothing else, I would think after ten years you could have come up with another excuse for sleeping with me. Saying it was a mistake both times won’t cut it.”

She frowned. “I don’t know what you mean about ‘both times.’ However, last nightwasa mistake since I didn’t intend to make love to you. The only reason I agreed to come with you to your ranch was to seduce you and then walk away without giving you any part of me. I never intended to go all the way with you, Dylan. I had planned to reject you before things got that far.”

“What!” He couldn’t believe what she just said. “Are you saying the only reason you came to the ranch was to seduce me and then reject me?”

She had the audacity to smile. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’d intended to do.”

He had to fight to get his anger under control. “So agreeing to come to the ranch had nothing to do with you wanting to rebuild our friendship and relationship like you claimed?”

“Please. Do you honestly think I’d let you be my friend or rebuild any kind of relationship after what you did to me, Dylan?”

“After what I did to you?” he exploded. “What you mean is after whatyoudid to me.”

“I didn’t do anything to you!” she shouted back. “You were the one who ten years ago sent me that crass text that said it was nice knowing me but opportunity knocks and you were taking off to England. And oh, you did take the time to say in that text that our one and only night together was great.” She barely paused before adding. “I had given you my virginity and that’s all you had to say!”

Dylan opened his mouth, then closed it when the full impact of her words sank in. “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. I didn’t send you any damn text ten years ago. You blocked me from your phone after sending me a text, very similar to the one you sent this morning, that said that night was a mistake. You hadn’t meant for things to get out of hand, and the only reason you’d come to New York was to break up with me since you were no longer interested in engaging in a long-distance romance.”