Charm went still.

There was no way she could still have feelings for him. Some women might be able to get over being dropped the way she had, but she couldn’t. She recalled what Renata Burgess had said at dinner the other night. Was that why she’d begun second-guessing herself and her plan?

Other than self-satisfaction, what else would she be getting out of this? Shouldn’t she be able to just move on? Obviously, he had. Is that what was bothering her? Knowing he’d lived his life for the past ten years and not given her a passing thought? He hadn’t tried looking her up, rekindling a flame or even letting her know he had loved her but their love just hadn’t been meant to last.

She could understand that, but what she could not accept was feeling used and betrayed. That’s what she could not move beyond. At least she wasn’t vindictive to the extent that Elise had been, but still... She wanted to leave her mark on him. She wanted to make him think twice before breaking another woman’s heart. He’d taught her a hard lesson; now it was time she taught him one.

Standing, she drew in a deep breath and left the room. After walking down the stairs, she smelled popcorn and heard music coming from the huge family room. He was kneeling in front of the television, holding a DVD when she entered. Her footsteps must have alerted him she’d arrived. He turned to say something and stopped. His gaze roamed over her from head to toe and back up again.

She swallowed, seeing the intense look of desire in his gaze. “I thought I’d change into something comfortable.”

He nodded as his gaze continued to roam over her. A part of her wondered if he had x-ray vision and could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties beneath her caftan. “I see,” he said in a husky voice.

A part of her hoped he didn’t see too much or else he would suspect what she was up to. “So which concert will we be watching?” she asked, moving to the sofa to sit down and making sure she intentionally flashed him when she did.

Was that a moan she’d heard? If so, that meant she was getting to him. Good. When he didn’t answer, she met his intense gaze and asked again. “Dylan?”


“Which concert are we going to watch?”

He looked at the DVD he held in his hand and then back at her. “The last one my grandparents attended. I called them onstage to introduce them to the crowd.”

“Oh.” Not sure that particular one would set the mood she wanted, especially when she heard the pain in his voice. She didn’t want to deal with his pain but with his passion. However, there must be a reason he’d chosen that video. “That sounds like a good one. I’d love to see it.”

She gestured to the bowl sitting in the middle of the coffee table. “And thanks for making the popcorn.”

He smiled over at her after inserting the DVD into the player. “Can’t have concert night without popcorn.”

Dylan picked up the remote that also controlled the lights in the room. They went off the exact moment the television screen revved to life. That’s when he sat beside her on the sofa. It wasn’t close enough for her so she scooted closer. He then placed his arm across the back of the sofa so they could cuddle while watching the concert.

Charm couldn’t stop her body from responding to his nearness, especially when his arms felt warm and comforting. The only time either of them moved from that position was when he grabbed the bowl of popcorn to offer her some. After munching a while, he returned it to the table and drew her back into his arms.

Over the years she had convinced herself that not attending one of Dylan’s concerts was therapeutic. It would rid him from her thoughts, mind and heart. No matter how often she’d tried to avoid hearing his music, it wasn’t always possible when her sisters-in-law and many of her Westmoreland cousins were fans of his. Some had heard about her past relationship with him at sixteen, and many had not. But none of them had known that their relationship had continued for two years after Bart had forbidden it.

Watching the concert showed her that not only was he a great guitarist, but he was a gifted performer all around. He knew just how to drive the crowd wild, and those tight leather pants had several women in the audience drooling.

When she began singing along with the crowd, he smiled at her. “I thought you didn’t listen to my music.”

“I don’t. I only know that song because Garth’s wife, Regan, played it all the time.”

He nodded. “Our next number is a love song. A slow number. Do you know what I want to do Charm, while we watch?”

She met his gaze. “No, what do you want to do?”

“I want to dance with you.”

Dylan wasn’t sure why he wanted to hold Charm in his arms during this song, but he did. And she hadn’t shot down the idea.

He stood and offered her his hand and she took it. He then drew her into his arms while trying not to think about when she’d first entered the room. Turning around and seeing those gorgeous long legs and shapely thighs in that short outfit had sent his blood pressure flaring. It was an outfit meant to stroke every sensuous nerve in his body. If that hadn’t done it for him, then her scent most definitely had. It had taken his total concentration to keep himself in control.

Now it seemed all that control he’d been battling to retain was being tested. Why did she have to fit so perfectly in his arms? Why was she the ideal height for his tall frame? And why, as they swayed in the middle of the room to the music, couldn’t he stop his body from getting aroused?

He knew there were a zillion reasons for the latter. It had been a while since he’d slept with a woman. At least a good seven months. He joked that Graham was doing it enough for the both of them. He wasn’t worried about his best friend, who took safe and responsible sex to a whole other level.

But he was worried about himself.

He tightened his arms even more around Charm. She had to feel his aroused state. In fact, if he didn’t know better, he’d think she was pressing her body even closer against it.