“I love those songs, Dylan. I always thought you were a gifted guitarist who would go places one day.”

He didn’t say anything as he folded the blanket for them to leave. Evidently, it had been her plan that he go places without her. He started to bring it up but decided not to. They had shared a nice day together and he refused to allow the past to intrude.

“So what’s on the schedule for tomorrow?” she asked him.

“I thought we’d ride the range and look for stray cattle.”

“Are there many?”

He shook his head. “Not usually, and those I don’t round up will be returned by the neighbors. However, since I’m here I’ll make myself useful.”

“And I will make myself useful right along with you,” she said, grinning.

He chuckled. “I’d appreciate that. We could always use extra hands around here.” He pushed to the back of his mind other ways she could be useful to him. All sexual and none he should be entertaining.

“Thanks for bringing me here, Dylan. I enjoyed my time with you today.”

And he had enjoyed his time with her. “I figure after you rest up, we can go out to dinner later. There’s a restaurant in town that’s owned by a friend of mine who I want you to meet.”

She nodded. “Alright. But aren’t you concerned about the paparazzi?”

“No. The owner of the restaurant is the sheriff’s brother. Trust me, the media knows not to mess with Sheriff Farmer.”

“Ready to leave?” she asked.

“Yes.” He honestly wasn’t, but he knew they needed to do so. Still, he couldn’t stop himself from leaning toward her and claiming her lips in another kiss.


After taking her shower Charm began dressing for the day. It was hard to believe she’d been here for almost a week already. She would admit she had enjoyed it. Only problem was her growing attraction to Dylan.

Dinner at his friend’s restaurant had been delicious, and the dessert had been the best chocolate cake she’d ever eaten. After dinner they’d gone dancing at a nearby nightclub. She wasn’t surprised that most of the people knew Dylan and when he was asked to perform, he did so to a standing ovation.

Every morning he’d awakened her with a serenade. She wished she didn’t enjoy it so much. Nor did she want to enjoy their time together, although she did enjoy that, too. Over the past week they had ridden the range a number of times, milked the cows most mornings, gone back to the lake for another picnic and had dinner with the Burgess family a few times. Dylan had even displayed his cooking skills by preparing dinner one night. And just like he started her day with his songs, he ended the day the same way by playing for her before bedtime.

Today they would be visiting the local children’s hospital where Dylan would entertain some of his younger fans. He’d had a special wing built that bore his grandparents’ names. A part of her wished he wasn’t coming off each day as a good guy because she still planned to get justice for what he’d done to her.

She picked up her phone off the bed and saw she’d missed a call from Cash. He was probably wondering where she was when she’d told him she would be heading to his ranch in Wyoming after Lacey’s wedding. No one in her family knew she was in Idaho and they definitely had no idea she was here with Dylan.

She gave Cash the impression she had remained in Cancún longer than planned. He let her know that when she arrived at his dude ranch he wouldn’t be there. Tomorrow he would be flying to Fairbanks for a business meeting and wouldn’t be back for a few days. However, Brianna and the kids would be there and were looking forward to seeing her.

Before placing her phone back down, she swiped the screen to look at the photos she had taken of Dylan over the past few days. There was one of him standing by the corral with his guitar by his side. He’d been wearing a blue shirt and jeans. Because of the early morning chill he’d worn a leather jacket. Why did he have to appear so ruggedly handsome with that black Stetson on his head and looking like a cowboy? She had caught him in one of his pensive moments while waiting for her. He hadn’t known she’d taken the photo and already it was one of her favorites.

She looked at another photo—one of them together. At Dylan’s request one of his ranch hands had taken it. She and Dylan had been standing beside each other, holding hands. They held hands a lot, like when they’d been together before.

They also kissed a lot. And whenever they did, the kisses nearly got out of hand. However, Dylan managed to stop things from escalating. That made Charm wonder what was going on in that head of his. She was trying hard to seduce him, but it was as if he was working hard not to be seduced. Why?

Did he suspect what she planned? No, there was no way he could. So why was he acting like a perfect gentleman, so darn charming? Especially when she knew he wanted her. That much was evident every time he pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss that made her weak in the knees.

She could feel his arousal, clear evidence of his desire for her. She saw the degree of desire in his eyes. Yet each time she tried taking over the kiss to sway things her way, he retained control and ended things before it got out of hand.

Not today. She was determined this would be the day she would seduce him and then walk away. Her plan was for them to strip down to nothing, and tumble on the bed. Then she would insist he put on a condom and while he did, she would get off the bed and tell him she had no intention of letting him touch her and why. He would be mad, but she didn’t care. There was a strong possibility he would ask her to leave the ranch.

As she dressed, she pushed the thought from her mind that under any other circumstances she would like this Dylan. He was older, more mature and settled. He wasn’t the ambitious, fame-seeking musician who had no problem tossing her aside. He had a down-to-earth personality, considering he was an international celebrity. Her name might be Charm but he was the one wallowing in charm. People couldn’t help but be drawn to him.Shewas drawn to him and wished she wasn’t.

She checked herself in the mirror. Satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed her purse as she gave herself a pep talk. “Tonight is the night. No matter what, you will not let that sexy smile and endearing personality get next to you. You are an Outlaw. Keep your emotions in check. Don’t show any sign of anger or vulnerability. And when the opportunity presents itself, you get even.”

She left the guest bedroom intending for the opportunity to present itself tonight, even if she had to take the bull by the horns.