She didn’t say anything as she glanced at him warily. “Are you sure you want to do that? You’ve been with me all day.”

“Like I told you, I enjoyed spending time with you. Besides, having dinner with me is the least you can do since I’m carrying all your bags to the car. And it will let whoever is watching me believe we’re building a romantic relationship.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

In truth they weren’t building a romantic relationship but trying to rekindle a friendship. But what would happen after they left Cancún? Chances were, they wouldn’t run into each other for another ten years or possibly never again. There was no reason he couldn’t forget her.

But could he forget that kiss?

He hadn’t expected it to rock his world. How dare her mouth taste so damn good? He’d been a goner the moment their tongues had tangled.

“Do you know what I’d really like to do, Dylan?”

They’d reached the car and he put the bags in the backseat. Then he opened the door for her. He heard the excitement in her voice. “No. What would you really like to do, Charm?”

“Go dancing after dinner. But if you’re afraid you might be seen, I understand.”

“Dancing after dinner?” At her nod, he said, “That can be arranged. I’m not afraid of being seen.”

In fact, he liked being seen, especially with her. He’d noticed more than one man checking her out and then looking at him with envy in his eyes. He understood. Charm was a stunningly beautiful woman, and any man would appreciate being seen with her.

She smiled up at him as she buckled her seat belt. He hadn’t been quick enough because he’d wanted to snap her harness in place. Maybe it was a good thing he hadn’t, or he would have been tempted to lean in closer and kiss her again. He could imagine their tongues—

“I’ll take your word for it.”

Her words butted into his thoughts, and he fought to refocus. Long moments passed as he stood there, not saying anything. “You, Charm Outlaw, don’t have a choice but to take my word for it.” He smiled down at her before walking to the other side of the car. He wasn’t used to feeling so sexually needy where a woman was concerned. The thought of it had him off-balance.

Somehow, he had to get a grip on the situation and remember that while they were together here in Cancún, the only thing he wanted from Charm was friendship. Nothing more.


“Hey, Charm, what’s going on?”

Charm smiled upon hearing Ola’s ever-cheerful voice. She put the call on Speaker as she moved around the villa getting dressed for dinner and a night of dancing. “I’m good. Still enjoying Cancún.”

The last time they’d talked had been a couple of days ago when she’d gone toe to toe with her and Piper about carrying out a plan of revenge. They’d thought it was a bad idea. She couldn’t wait to share the most recent developments. It didn’t take her long, and it would have taken her less time if Ola hadn’t asked a lot of questions. She decided not to share with her friend anything about her and Dylan pretending to be lovers. Then she would have been bombarded with even more questions.

“So, let me get this straight,” Ola said. “One of Dylan’s old girlfriends—”

“She’s not an old girlfriend,” Charm said and immediately wondered why it mattered. “What I mean is that she’s a former lover and not a girlfriend. At least that’s what he told me.”

“He actually told you that?”

“Yes.” There was no need to tell Ola that according to Dylan, Charm had been his one and only girlfriend.

“I wonder why he felt the need to set the record straight on that. It’s not like he owed you an explanation. Just like you don’t owe him one.”

“That’s true. I have no idea why he told me that.”

“Well, I’m just glad you changed your mind about that revenge nonsense. You did the right thing telling him what that woman was up to and—”

“Sorry to interrupt, Ola, but I haven’t changed my mind about that revenge nonsense as you put it. I am determined to go through with it. Earlier today I even told him he had made a terrible mistake ten years ago where I was concerned. That would have been the perfect time for him to apologize.”

“What did he say?”

“He agreed about the mistake and then said rehashing the past wouldn’t get us anywhere. That we were older and wiser. He wants us to be friends.”

“I agree with that as well, but obviously you don’t.”