Graham didn’t say anything at first. Then he asked, “Is that possible? And was taking her out to dinner a smart thing to do?”

“Obviously, it was. Otherwise, she would not have overheard that conversation between Elise and Cindy. Nor would we have a taped recording of it.”

“True. Do you know what I think?”

A part of Dylan was afraid to ask. “No, Graham, what do you think?”

“That there can’t be closure between you and Charm.”

Dylan frowned. “And why not?”

“Because your heart won’t let there be.”

Dylan didn’t agree. “I do need closure, Graham.”

Instead of addressing what Dylan said, Graham replied, “I’ll let the guys know what’s going on. If we need to cut our trip short and return to kick Chrome’s ass then we will.”

Dylan chuckled. “Whatever.”

“Where is Charm now?”

Grant’s question made Dylan glance through the French doors to see her. She was still sleeping. He closed his eyes and swore he could breathe her scent even out here on the balcony. He opened his eyes and when he saw her again, the lower part of his anatomy hardened with a need he hadn’t felt in a long time.


He gave his attention back to the phone call. “Why do you want to know where she is?”

“Just curious, and since you didn’t answer that says a lot. So how about telling me in a few days how that closure thing is working out for you. Keep me posted as to what Seth says.”

When Dylan ended the call with Graham he stood and shoved his cell phone back in his pants pocket. He then opened the French doors to go back inside. It was after midnight. What he should do was wake up Charm to walk her to her villa. But a part of him didn’t want to do that.

After crossing the room, he gently swooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, even while telling himself doing so was not a good idea. She shifted and in sleep he heard her whisper his name, but she didn’t wake up. After placing her on the bed, he went to the closet for a blanket to place over her. With that done, he stared at her while his mind recalled the last time she’d been in his bed ten years ago. In New York. It had been the first and last time they’d made love. She’d been a sensuous, passionate and sexy woman; he’d fallen even more in love with her that night because he’d made her his in the most primitive way.

Refusing to punish himself any further with memories, he turned off the light and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Charm opened her eyes to the sound of male voices. She glanced around and saw she was not at her villa. Pushing the blanket aside, she saw she was wearing the same clothes she’d worn to dinner with Dylan last night.

Like a flash everything came tumbling back, including the memory of all the wine she’d had. Well, she’d warned him she was prone to falling asleep when she overindulged and obviously, she had. Why hadn’t he awakened her instead of letting her spend the night in his villa? She glanced at the undisturbed side of the bed that confirmed she’d slept alone. Had she expected otherwise?

Easing out of bed she tiptoed to the door and listened. Dylan was talking to his security guy, Seth Abraham. There was no way she wanted either man to see her looking so disheveled. Glancing around the room, she saw Dylan had placed her shoes and purse in the chair. Now she hoped he had an extra set of toiletries in the connecting bath.

She moved away from the door, grabbed her purse and went into his bathroom. It smelled like him. She touched a towel that hung over the shower stall. It was damp and when she put her nose to it, it smelled even more like him. That meant he’d taken a shower recently. How had she slept through that? She didn’t want to think of a naked Dylan standing beneath a spray of water, but unfortunately, shewasthinking about it.

She moved toward the vanity and saw he’d laid out a few things for her. Namely a face cloth, an unused toothbrush and toothpaste. Within minutes she had applied light makeup and combed her hair. Satisfied she looked presentable, she walked into the living room.

“Good morning.”

The two men stood when she entered. After introductions were made, she wanted to make it clear to Seth, who was eying her speculatively, that things weren’t as they seemed.

Turning to Dylan she said, “Sorry I fell asleep, and thanks for giving up your bed last night.”

The smile that touched his lips heightened her senses.

Now Seth was watching her and Dylan curiously. He appeared to be in his late thirties and was built like he spent a lot of time at the gym. He was all muscles. Eye candy in a hard kind of way. She had a feeling he wasn’t soft on anyone’s eyes unless he chose to be.

“That wasn’t a problem, Charm, and I hope you slept well,” Dylan said, reclaiming her attention.

“Thanks, I did.” She glanced at her watch. “Well, it’s time for me to leave.”