He glanced up at the waiter who’d entered the pool room. “Yes, a glass of scotch, please.”

A short while later Dylan had done several laps around the pool and thoughts of Charm still consumed his mind. Maybe it was time to let bygones be bygones. After all, after the heartbreak had come his career had soared due to that summer he’d spent in the UK, which in a round-about-way, he owed to her.

It was time for him to move on, like Graham said, and maybe having dinner with her one last time was the way to do it. When he left Cancún, he would finally have closure.


It was a beautiful evening and instead of calling for a golf cart to transport her to the lobby, Charm decided to walk. Now that the wedding was over and she had time to relax, she wanted to enjoy the beauty of the landscaped lawns and the Italian architecture of the buildings.

A day spent at the spa had been what she needed. Afterward, she had hung out inside her villa and read, trying to convince herself the thought of running into Dylan again was not the reason for her seclusion.

Charm still intended to get even. Her telephone conversation with Piper and Ola hadn’t changed her mind. Both had tried talking her out of it, saying what she should be doing was finding closure. They felt carrying around so much anger and resentment after all this time wasn’t healthy.

She agreed with the part about closure, and if she had detected any remorse from Dylan yesterday she would have thought of moving on. He’d had the chance to apologize and he hadn’t. Instead, he’d acted as if sacrificing their love for his music hadn’t been a big deal.

When she reached the lobby, she glanced at her watch and noticed she was thirty minutes ahead of their scheduled time. Being the first to arrive might give the erroneous perception that she was anxious to see him again. So, to kill time, she decided to walk around the beautiful atrium filled with flowers and greenery. That way she could see him when he arrived, but he wouldn’t be able to see her.

After strolling around the atrium for a few minutes she eased down on one of the benches. Pulling out her cell phone, she checked for any text messages from her family and smiled when she saw one from her cousin Delaney. After reading it she put her phone away when she heard a woman sitting on the bench behind her say Dylan’s name.

As she shamelessly eavesdropped on the conversation, it didn’t take long to discover Charm wasn’t the only female Dylan had wronged who was seeking retribution. And from the sound of it, this woman’s plan was even more ruthless than hers. Not only was it ruthless, it was illegal.

There were two women talking and Charm sharpened her ears to hear everything they were saying...

“And you’re sure the front desk said Dylan gave specific orders not to let you into the resort, Elise?” one woman asked.

“Yes. Someone must have given him a heads-up that I was coming. Probably that damn Graham. Jimmi B was too drunk to tell anybody anything. Now what am I going to do? Chrome expects me to plant those drugs in Dylan’s luggage before he leaves here.”

“How are you going to do that when this resort won’t allow you past the lobby?”

“I have a plan. Dylan’s villa is serviced by Housekeeping every day. I’ll find out who does it and pay that person to let me in when Dylan’s not there.”

“But you don’t know his schedule.”

“That’s what I’ll need you for, Cindy. All I need is a quick moment to get in his villa and place the cocaine in the lining of his carry-on bag. You can give him a fake name, pretend to get something started with him, and keep him away from the resort for a while.”

“There’s a chance he might not be interested in me.”

“You’re beautiful. I don’t know many men who would turn down a chance to spend time with you.”

“Okay, Elise, my part sounds easy, and fun. Hey, isn’t that him entering the lobby? Damn, he looks good. Maybe if you use your womanly wiles on him, you’ll change his mind about letting you spend time with him here.”

“It’s worth a try, but if that doesn’t work then we’ll go back to our original plan. Are you in, Cindy?”

“Yes, I’m in.”

Charm drew in a deep breath, not wanting to believe the conversation she had just overheard. A crime in the making. Those women were plotting to plant illegal drugs in Dylan’s luggage. She could imagine the chaos at the airport when it was found. He would claim he was innocent, but the evidence would prove otherwise. He would be arrested and the newspapers would smear his name.

Shifting on the bench, Charm tilted her head to get a better view of the lobby and saw Dylan. The woman named Cindy was right. He looked good. Unlike yesterday at the pool when he’d been wearing cutoffs and T-shirt, now he was dressed in a button-up shirt and dark pleated trousers. The outfit showed just how powerfully built he was. There was nothing like a man with masculine arms, a broad chest and muscular shoulders.

He glanced at his watch and then back up and something he saw made him frown. It didn’t take Charm long to see the woman named Elise come into view. She was beautiful with dark hair that hung down her back and a model’s figure. She wore a short off-the-shoulder, low-cut sundress designed to capture a man’s attention.

From the looks of things, it wasn’t working on Dylan. He wasn’t flashing that sexy dimpled smile. It was obvious from his facial expression that he was not pleased to see the woman. In fact, he appeared downright furious.

What had the woman done to make Dylan ask the hotel to keep her out? Why would she want to ruin his reputation? Although Charm didn’t follow his music like her sisters-in-law did, she knew the media considered him clean-cut. That image would definitely change if drugs were found in his possession.

A part of Charm felt Dylan was probably getting what he deserved because payback was a bitch. Too many men forgot that when they went on a heartbreaking spree. However, another part of Charm felt the woman was taking things too far.

Charm watched the woman interact with Dylan. Several times, the woman touched him and he pulled back. She’d never seen Dylan so angry with anyone. Whatever he was saying must have gotten through to the woman because she angrily tossed her hair and walked away. Instead of watching her leave, Dylan turned his back to watch the entrance door. Charm decided to stay put to hear what Elise would tell Cindy.