Ryker leans in to whisper, “Nice save. Now for the real game, tigress. You’re not allowed to come. If you do, your wax punishment will be even longer than before.”
My eyes widen at that response, but I nod in understanding. I mean, this shouldn’t be too hard, right? He can’t possibly have the toy at the strongest setting while seated, could he?
My mind is reeling with so many questions. When I’m nudged, I lift my head to find my mom and Ryker’s staring at me. “I’m sorry, did you say something?” I ask sheepishly.
“I asked how work is going,” Ryker’s mom asks.
“It’s going really well. We’ve finally hired an assistant manager, meaning there’s someone to share the load,” I explain. I go to speak again, but the toy’s vibration intensifies. Closing my mouth, I smile and look down at my menu, clenching my thighs together.
As if sensing my movement, Ryker places a hand on my thigh once again, pulling them apart. He runs his fingers up the inside of my thigh, making sure I haven’t disobeyed orders. “Good girl,” he whispers. Though, his hand never leaves my thigh, which starts to shake from the need to come.
Goddamn, this is going to be torture.
The evening continues, and so does Ryker’s teasing. Several times, my orgasm starts to build, but he backs it off just as quick as it started. Fucking prick, edging me while we’re having dinner with our parents. We’re now in the middle of eating dessert when Ryker presses a button that changes the entire rhythm of the toy. This new rhythm hits my G-spot in just the right way.
Fuck me.
My breathing quickens slightly as my legs quake against my seat. I’m doing everything I can to hold back my release, but the sensation is too powerful and I succumb to the orgasm. The seat’s now soaked beneath me, and I have to grip Ryker’s arm in a death grip as I ride out my release.
The toy stops buzzing, and Ryker releases a low chuckle before whispering, “I win, tigress.”
Fuck me,I think again.
This evening has turned out better than it started. Thea finally listened and believed that I would never do anything to hurt her, dinner was phenomenal, and to top it off, Thea lost the game.Poor little tigress.The thought of her naked on the bed, hot wax on her soft skin, sends blood rushing to my dick.
We’re still at the restaurant, our parents talking amongst themselves, while Nick and Lily are in a hushed conversation, when I lean over to Thea and whisper, “How about we get out of here? It’s time for your punishment.”
She lets out a small whimper but nods.
“Good girl,” I praise before turning my attention to the rest of the table. “Thank you for dinner. Good to see you all. I’ll take Thea home.”
Thea rises from her seat. I notice her legs shaking slightly, so I put an arm around her and we make our way through the restaurant. Once outside, the frozen night air greets us. I bring Thea closer to me in an attempt to shield her from the harsh wind.
We make it to my car, where I open the door to let her in. As I close the door, I hear my name being called from afar. Turning around, I find Nick coming towards the car. “What’s up, man?”
“I’m glad she listened to you. Anyway, on your way home, could you stop by Forbidden? I just got a text from Lucy letting me know there’s some issues with the new taps.”
I nod then turn and head over to the driver’s side, where I climb in and start the engine. “Just a head’s up… We’re going to make a stop at Forbidden,” I inform Thea as I slide my hand onto her thigh.
The drive to the club is quick. When we pull into the parking lot, I notice it’s crowded tonight. I’m happy to see that, since it’s still opening weekend. Once I park the car, we get out and head up to the doors. There’s a line of people waiting to get in, but I brush past them and move the velvet rope myself, nodding to Jay, who nods back to us. Grabbing Thea’s hand, I pull her behind me as we make our way to the bar.
“Oh, thank God. You’re here,” Lucy says when she spots us.
“Hey Luce, I’ll fix it,” I tell Lucy and then turn to Thea, slipping a key into her hand. “And you, my little tigress, go to our secret room, strip, and lie on the bed. If you disobey this order, your punishment will last longer.”
She gasps and nods then heads towards the hallway.
I turn my attention to Lucy. She points out where the leak is coming from, so I take off my jacket, roll up my sleeves, and drop to the floor.
“So I take it everything is good with you and Thea?” Lucy asks.
“Yeah. Even though, I explained everything when it happened, she just needed some time to calm down. I’m certain that Nick told her to hear me out,” I explain.
“I’m glad. After seeing how you were with Thea last night, I knew you would never do anything to screw that up with her,” Lucy says, her voice thick with sincerity.