We’re on fire here. Someone get the hose!In the distance, Nina’s voice can be heard above the sound of the camera shutters. Thea climbs up on the bed instead of stopping as I had expected. The slip slides up just enough for my mind to conjure up devilish ideas as she swiftly maneuvers around my limbs until she’s straddling me.
My dick twitches in my pants, but I need to remain calm, so I take a deep breath and break eye contact. Nina, who is on the left side of the bed, exclaims, “Yes! That’s perfect; keep your seductive gaze fixed on me, Ryk.”
Like my hands have a mind of their own, they make their way to the rest of Thea’s bare thighs. She places a hand on my chest before arching her back, letting her hair flow behind her.
A few more camera clicks before Nina exclaims, “Holy fuck! Thea, you’re a natural, babe! Ryker, switch positions. Let’s start with you sitting at the foot of the bed, one leg extended and one knee propped up. Thea, you lay flat on your stomach, facing me, your arms wrapped around Ryker’s neck and down his chest. Lean in close and whisper something in his ear.”
We get into position while Natasha and Nina look over some pictures on the computer. Thea whispers in my ear, “Don’t get too comfortable. I’m doing this as a favor for Nina. Nothing else.”
“Oh, so she didn’t tell you what I will use these pictures for?” I ask, not at all surprised.
This has her pulling back slightly but still keeps an arm around my shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“These photos will promote my new club opening next weekend. Which means these sexy pictures will be plastered everywhere.”
“What!?” she yells, causing Nina and Natasha to look our way.
“No one in your family will see them. Well, Nick might, but we can cross that bridge when we get there.”
Knowing that Nick would kick my ass six ways to Sunday if he found out that Thea was the woman posing with me in these images makes me a little uneasy at the notion of him seeing them. But we’ll figure that out when it occurs. Even though he is my investing partner for the club, Thea doesn’t need to be aware of that.
“Ryk, tell us a little about your club before we continue. We’re dying to know,” Natasha says from across the room.
“Forbidden Secrets is going to be the hottest nightclub around. However, once you enter, you’ll be sworn to secrecy. This is the only spot in town safe enough to release the side you’re scared to show. For one night, you’ll experience your deepest desires. But once you leave, you must never share your experience.” The well-rehearsed sales pitch rolls off my tongue, leaving the entire room speechless.
“Damn, Ryk, you dirty bastard! This sex club is going to be the buzz of the century,” Nina says with a chuckle.
“That’s the plan. Also, I have a suggestion for a pose once we’re done with this one. If that’s okay. Don’t want to step on your toes.”
“Perfect!” Nina says as she makes her way back towards the bed.
Thea gets back into position, leaning in, pretending she’s whispering something to me.
Her hot breath on the side of my neck causes my dick to twitch once again. Fucking hell. This is bullshit. I’ve never been so horny in my life. Then again, I haven’t gone this long without sex.
Starting the journey of opening Forbidden has taken seven months, and in that time, I never once thought about random hookups just to relieve the stress. And yet, it appears my body is betraying me. Nina orders Thea to change positions, allowing me time to breathe while my mind wanders for a moment.
I think back to that night that changed everything. I was having a beer with Nick and some other buddies when Thea called me. It wasn’t a surprise that she’d called. She did that every night before falling asleep.
It was only surprising because of how late it was, but I had assumed it was because of studying. Once the call connected, I’d been shocked to hear her drunken babbling. In order to hear her, I’d had to leave the room. That’s when she’d dropped the bomb that she’d been in love with me for years. Looking back, I made a total ass of myself when I told her we couldn’t be more than friends because of Nick.
Stupid me, thinking that being friends with the girl who stole my heart would ever be a good thing. So, after that call, to calm the storm of regret, I turned to random hook-ups. God, I’m such an idiot.
“Ryker!” a voice yells, pulling me back to reality.
“What? What did I do?” Looking around, I notice everyone staring at me, concerned.
“I asked if you were ready, but that was about ten minutes ago. Where’d you go, dude?”
“Uh, nowhere. I’m here. Sorry.”
Nina rolls her eyes as she steps back and observes the scene but shakes her head then instructs Thea to lie on her back, eyes locked on the ceiling, while keeping an arm still around me. I give her a quick glance, my lips curling up when I see how she’s lying. Damn. Each new position she keeps getting sexier.
Nina poses us another way, and time seems to fly by as each shot is taken. As time passes, Thea grows more comfortable around me. She’s cracking jokes, making funny faces at me, and it seems like she’s back to her old self.
The girl I knew four years ago, my little tigress, is back.
“All right, we have two more poses, and then we can wrap up the evening. Ryker, I’ll have edited photos for you by Tuesday.”