Page 23 of Reignite Me

“That’s not what happened. She was sitting on the desk calling Thea a whore and all this other shit, and I just snapped. When you guys opened the door, I was explaining to her that Thea was the one I’m with, whether she likes it or not.”

“Tell me why you were leaning over her naked body while her hand was on your belt… It’s clear that there’s more going on, Ryker. I fucking warned you what would happen if you hurt my sister.” Nick’s tone is hard. He’s made up his mind that I was going to fuck Jenny and toss Thea to the side. I don’t know how I can get him to see that I love Thea more than life itself.

Then something hits me. “Nick, I don’t need to explain myself to you. The only person I need to explain to is Thea. She’s old enough to fight her own battles. And you know what, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” I turn towards the door, but I’m pulled back.

“Under no circumstances are you to speak with Thea right now. You hurt her, and now you get to deal with me.”

“Get the fuck off me, Nick. This is between Thea and me.”

Pulling away from Nick, I head out of the office towards the bar. I find Thea seated at the bar having a drink while talking with Lucy. I breathe a sigh of relief that she didn’t go out to the car like Nick asked.

“Thea, please let me explain,” I beg the moment I get up to the bar.

Thea turns her gaze to meet mine, and I see the makeup streaks down her cheeks, tears still welling within her eyes. She doesn’t speak. Instead, she grabs the shot Lucy sits in front of her and tosses it back. Thea’s face scrunches in the cutest way as she swallows the alcohol. It’s no doubt burning her throat on the way down.

“Another one, Luce,” she says, emotionless.

Breaking eye contact with her, I glance to see Lucy filling up several more shot glasses and placing them in front of Thea. My gaze finds Thea’s once again, and she looks from me to the shot glasses. One by one, she tosses them back, not caring that she’s going to be drunk by the time we get to dinner.

“Lucy, she’s cut off,” I say after Thea finished the last one.

Thea’s stare turns into a cold death glare before she says, “Fuck you, Ryker. If I want to get drunk off my ass right here, I will. There’s nothing you can say about it. How about you go find Jenny? It’s clear she needs an attitude adjustment, and I know you’re good at that.”

“Thea, it’s not like that. Please just let me explain,” I beg once again.

“I would, but unfortunately we need to get to dinner with our parents and I don’t really want to hear it.” Thea throws back three more shots before sliding from the barstool. When her feet hit the ground, she wobbles slightly, and on reflex, I reach out to grab her arm, but she jerks away from me. Her ankle rolls in her heel, and she falls to the floor.

“Don’t touch me,” she snaps while struggling to get up.

Nick comes from somewhere behind me to help her up. Once she’s steady against him, he turns his attention back to me. “We’ll see you at the restaurant.” Then they turn and walk out of the club.

Sighing, I turn to Lucy, who hands me a shot. Nodding a thanks to her before throwing it back, I allow the burn of the whiskey to settle in my veins. Now that Thea has alcohol in her system, there’s no way that she’ll listen to me. Reaching into my pocket to pull out my phone, I feel the little remote for the vibrator I told Thea to wear. A slow smirk spreads across my lips as I realize there’s a chance she’s wearing it and hasn’t taken it out yet.

“She’ll come around, Ryk. I tried to stop Jenny, but she wouldn’t listen to me. I know that you would never do anything to ruin your chance with Thea,” Lucy says while pouring another shot.

“Thanks, Luce. I think I’ve got an idea of how to get her to listen,” I say before taking the shot. I just hope I’m right in my assumption, or else tonight will go a different direction.



I can’t fucking believe he would do this to me, especially after everything that happened last night. My pussy starts to throb, and that’s when I remember I’m still wearing the vibrator Ryker demanded I wear tonight. Groaning, I smack my head against the headrest, trying to think of a way to take it out, but there’s no solution since I didn’t bring my fucking purse tonight.

“Thea, are you doing okay?” Nick asks, his tone thick with worry.

I snort sarcastically, rolling my eyes. It’s a rhetorical question. He knows I’m anything but okay. He doesn’t say another word, just starts the car and pulls onto the main road.

We sit in silence until we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, but as I reach for the door handle, Nick stops me by saying, “Maybe you should hear him out, Thea. From what he told me, it seems like it’s a misunderstanding.”

A misunderstanding? He’s fucking joking, right? Finding the man who claims to love you standing over a woman as she’s half naked is anything but a misunderstanding. It’s clear that he only wanted to live out his fantasy of fucking his best friend’s little sister then tossed me aside when something or someone better came around. Guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, since his fucking club is named Forbidden Desires. God, I’m such an idiot to believe that he would actually love me. My brain ticks through all the scenarios that would make this a misunderstanding, but nothing clicks. It all comes back to the conclusion. He only wanted my body. And ending with the fucking toy shoved up my pussy is the cherry on top.

My voice cracks as tears sting my eyes once again. “There’s nothing Ryker could say to fix this. We lived out a fantasy together. That was it.”

Nick reaches over to lay a hand over mine, giving it a squeeze before saying, “You know I never really wanted you with Ryker. I’ve been in denial of the tension between you two. Didn’t want anything to come between my best friend and me. But now, after seeing how he was with you last night, I’m starting to come around to the idea.”

Then, without another word, Nick opens his car door and hops out, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Bringing my finger up to my mouth, I bite at the hangnail, trying to wrap my head around what Nick said. What if Nick’s right? Memories of last night flood my mind, sending chills over my body. The way Ryker touched me and all the marks he left behind. I glance down to the valley of my breasts, remembering the way the hot wax scalded my skin but was soon replaced by Ryker kissing it better.

Memories of how he took care of me after and the gentle brush of his fingers as he cleaned me. My thighs clench as I remember how he felt inside me. My pussy clenches around the toy, I let out a small moan. God, he was fucking phenomenal pumping inside me, and when he came, I felt every drop. The moment he gave one more thrust, ensuring to coat my pussy in his cum was what sent me into oblivion. My eyes close as I reminisce on the passion that came over me last night, when the toy inside me starts to vibrate. Jumping in surprise, I open my eyes to see Ryker standing in front of the car, holding the remote to the damn toy.