Page 7 of Deny Me

I get up from the sofa and go to her, standing in front and raising my hand to her chin, tilting her head up until she’s looking at me.

“Don’t ever fucking hide from me, Gabrielle,” I tell her, my voice soft but firm. I never want her to be anyone other than herself, because that is the woman I’ve fucking fallen for.

She bites her bottom lip, and it makes my cock jerk in my pants.

“I… um…” she mumbles, and I can see she has no idea how to approach whatever she needs to say, but I can’t help her with this. She needs to talk, to tell us what she’s thinking. I wait, as does Jared, who’s still sat on the sofa behind us.

She links her fingers together in front of her, the tension rolling off of her in waves.

“I’ve got you, squirt,” I whisper, a small smile gracing my face, to hopefully make her feel a little more at ease.

She nods her head slightly, and I step back, giving her space. I go back to my seat on the sofa as she walks further into the room, but not once does she look at Jared. No. And when her eyes drift back up, it’s me that they seek. Something about that makes me feel fucking feral inside. She’s acted like she hates me previously, except for when I’m making her come with my mouth or my dick, but I know it’s just that, an act, a fucking farce.

“This is really awkward,” she says with a nervous laugh, and I can’t help but grin at her in response. Fuck, I love her, but I’ll hold off on telling her that for the time being—small steps and all.

“You don’t have to feel awkward around us,” Jared says, and it’s the first time she looks at him.

She scoffs, as if she thinks he’s crazy for not seeing how absurd this scenario is. “But this is different now,” she says, biting that bottom lip again. Holy fuck, she needs to stop doing that.

“It’s still us, Gabby,” he says, not having a nickname for her like I do. Another thought that makes me fucking grin.

“It doesn’t matter how you dress it up, Jared, you’re still my stepbrothers, and this is still a crazy fucking idea.”

“I prefer to call it unique,” I interrupt, and she swings my way immediately.

“Unique? That’s not what others will say if they ever find out,” she tells me, the hesitation still there. I don’t fucking like it, not when it comes to me anyway.

“Fuck them, and fuck what they think.” I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’ll shout it from the roof and write it in the fucking paper if it finally gets her to listen.

“And does that include our parents too? Because I’m pretty sure they’ll disown us if they ever find out,” she says, her eyes wide as she stares at me.

“Yes it includes them. If they hadn’t have gotten married, then this would have all been different, so actually, we should fucking blame them for making it this way in the first place,” I say, meaning every word.

“You can’t be serious, Mason,” Gabrielle says with a roll of her eyes. “You can’t help who you fall for.”

“Exactly,” I tell her, pinning her with my gaze as she realises what she’s just said. Fucking bingo. You can’t help who you fall for, and I know damn well that I’m going to make sure she falls so fucking hard for me.

The silence plays out, until Jared speaks. “So, are we doing this? The three of us?”

The question hangs in the air. The seconds tick by some more. She looks at him briefly and then turns to me, and all of a sudden, I feel like the air has been robbed from my lungs as I wait for her answer.

Tick tock.

Tick tock.

And just when I’m about to lose my fucking patience, she says, “We’re doing this.”



“We’re doing this.”

Holy fuck, I said it. Shit.

And just like that, I’ve given myself over to them.
