Page 20 of Her Alien Librarian

“Oh,” I mutter, grabbing the paper and examining it closely. I stare at the name of my ex-husband, smushed so closely to this unknown woman’s name, who is apparently his bride-to-be. “I didn’t realize Nate was engaged.”

“Seriously?” Marty asks, his face scrunching in surprise.

“Yeah, I haven’t talked to him in, like,” I search my mind, trying to remember, “eight months. He texted me on my birthday, but that was it.”

“Wow, Nate’s getting married?” Jackie asks. “Good for him.”

“Yeah, good for him,” I agree. I want him to be happy. He deserves happiness. “I just don’t understand why I was invited.”

“That is weird,” Jackie adds. “Maybe he just wants you to see how well he’s doing, you know? He wants the upper hand.”

“The upper hand for what?” I ask. “We’re divorced.”

“Or maybe they have a minimum they need to hit for the venue, and they just need bodies,” Jackie offers.

“But out of everyone they could invite, shouldn’t I be dead last?”

“I thought you guys were good friends,” Marty says, taking a seat between Holly and Oliver. “We grabbed a beer last month, and he told me you were.”

It’s odd that my brother hangs out with my ex, but even still, I have no idea why Nate would lie about the two of us being anything more than cordial acquaintances. I guess it doesn’t matter. “We’re not. Are you going?”

“Yep,” Marty replies, taking a sip of his beer. “I need to let him know that my RSVP is wrong, though, because I included Holly, but she’s decided to stay home with the kids.”

“Going solo then, eh? Have fun,” I tell him.

“No, you’re coming with me,” he replies, looking at me expectantly.

I stop chewing my lo mein and stare at him, puzzled by his words.

“I sent back our RSVPs at the same time, and I marked that you were coming.”

The lo mein feels like a ball of sludge as I swallow it down. My body moves of its own accord, bristling with rage as I get to my feet and plant my fists on either side of my plate. “Why the fuck would you do that?”

Holly holds up a hand and starts speaking to me like I’m a terrorist holding a bomb. “Sam, we’re really trying to avoid outward displays of anger or swearing in front of the kids, so–”

“Then maybe the kids should play outside for a bit,” I say through gritted teeth, still staring daggers at my brother.

“Play outside?” Holly asks, aghast, as she looks out the sliding glass doors to the patio. “It’s dark out.”

If I had any shred of patience left in me, I’d tell her that Mom had us playing outside well past dark countless times just to rid us of our energy before bed, and we were just fine. But I’m too focused on the fact that I’m attending my ex-husband’s wedding to get into that right now.

Marty shrugs. “It’s not a big deal. The invitation showed up here a few months ago, and I wasn’t sure when you’d be home again…but I knew it would be before the wedding, and I figured you’d want to go, so…”

In what world would anyone want to attend their ex-spouse’s wedding? Has he lost his fucking mind?

“What if they trip and hurt themselves?” Holly asks.

There goes my last nerve. “Then give them a fucking flashlight!” I shout.

Holly’s scowl deepens as she dramatically reaches over and covers Penny’s ears.

Jackie’s mouth hangs open, but there’s amusement in her eyes at the scene I’m causing. Mom sneaks a fork full of fried rice off Jackie’s plate without her noticing.

Marty rises to his feet and puts his fists on the table, mirroring me, the table now creaking under our weight. “Don’t yell at her. This is not my fault. I thought you were good friends, so I figured you wouldn’t want to miss his big day. Get over it.”

“Get over it? Really?” This is the last thing I need right now. My chest heaves when I ask, “When is the wedding?”

Marty sighs. “In two weeks.”