“Fuck, Nova,” I murmured, my voice breaking.
“I’m okay.” Her hands covered my cheeks. “Come here.”
Nothing had ever felt as good as being able to wrap my arms around Nova in that moment. I was so fucking careful, barely touching her, but her arms were tight around my waist and her face was pressed against my neck and thank fuck, she was safe and alive and right there with me.
After we got her in bed, it was a whole lot of waiting around. Nurses came and went. A doctor came to do pretty much nothing—or at least it felt that way. X-rays were ordered. Pain meds administered.
Brenna spent her time going back and forth between the siblings’ rooms, reassuring them that the other was okay. Gram sat quietly in the corner, the calm in the storm. I sat next to Nova in her bed, her head on my shoulder as she dozed.
Eventually they came to take her for an x-ray and wouldn’t let me go with her.
“Rumi Thomas,” Gram said, the first words she’d spoken in hours. “You let them take that girl to get her x-ray. She’ll be back in ten minutes.”
“I’ll be right back,” Nova said, leaning her head back against the pillow as they wheeled her out of the room.
“You haven’t used both names in years,” I muttered after she’d gone.
“I haven’t had to,” Gram retorted. She got to her feet. “She’s here, honey. She’s safe, and she’ll heal.”
I closed my eyes and tried to force down the rage that had risen up like a tidal wave the minute I no longer had Nova beside me. He could’ve killed her. He almost fucking did. One more blow to the head and Nova could’ve been lying in the basement of the hospital. A corpse.
And I’d had no fucking clue. I’d been absent. Stubborn. A complete asshole.
“Come on back,” Gram whispered, wrapping her arms around me. “Come on, bud. You can keep it together a little longer.”
My entire body heaved as I tried to draw air into my lungs.
“Rumi,” my mom called, coming in the door.
“He’s alright,” Gram said, still holding me. “He just needed a minute.”
“I’m fine,” I murmured, straightening. “What’s up, Ma?”
“Your dad and the boys are here,” she said.
“About fuckin’ time.”
“They’ve been here a while,” she replied. “But I knew you weren’t going anywhere while Nova was in here, so I didn’t bother you.”
“They askin’ for me?”
“I think you should probably talk to them,” she said softly. “I’ll text you the second Nova gets back.”
“How’s Bird?”
“He’s good,” Mom said, smiling softly. “Burst eardrum—which hurts like a bitch and is why he was so dizzy—but he’ll be fine. He’ll heal.”
“Not sure how you heal from that.”
“You do,” Gram said softly, rubbing my back. “They will.”
I kissed my mom on the head as I left and went searching for the doors to the waiting room. What was it with every hospital that was set up like a goddamn maze? When I finally found an exit sign, I went through it and found the entire front lobby full of Aces members and their women.
I plowed through them, ignoring the questions on how Nova and Bird were doing as I looked for my dad and the rest of the old-timers. The women could update them. I didn’t have time to chitchat when Nova would be back from her x-ray at any time.
“Hey,” my brother said as I found their little huddle outside.
“Thought you were with Bird?”