Resting my ass against the back of the couch, I reached up and rubbed at my eyes with the heels of my hands. It had been a hell of a day. Saturdays were usually the days when I worked on shit around the house and I’d planned on re-grouting the bathroom, but I hadn’t had the energy. Or maybe I’d had too much energy. I hadn’t had the patience to do it right, that was for sure, so instead, I’d sat in front of the TV and turned on animal documentaries.

I couldn’t remember a single thing about any of them. The entire time I’d sat there, I just kept replaying the night before on a loop. I couldn’t remember all of it, just bits and pieces, but those bits and pieces were of Nova’s bits and pieces. And they were fucking phenomenal bits and pieces. I’d imagined Nova naked a million times, but I hadn’t ever actually seen her fully naked and now that I had, I didn’t think I would ever forget it.

Nova had never been described as petite, even when we were kids, and I knew that used to bug her though she’d never admit it, but goddamn, she’d grown into her height. She was strong and trim, but her ass was so fucking round and perfect and her tits were full and heavy. Just the memory of her legs wrapping around my waist made me sweat.

We’d been drunk and sloppy, but it hadn’t slowed us down any. It had been really fucking good.

I dropped my hands from my eyes and stared at the wall I still needed to paint. It had been really fucking good forme,but what if it had sucked for her? Maybe that’s why she’d try to play it off like it hadn’t happened. She was trying to let me down easy.

No. Letting me down easy would imply that I was trying to get with her, and I wasn’t. We were friends, and we’d had sex. Neither of us was trying to make it more than that. If it had sucked for her, she would’ve said something, just like she’d told me that my favorite shirt was too small and I looked like a dude-bro, whatever that was. She’d never had any problem putting me in my place or telling me I was shitty at something and she wouldn’t have spared my feelings about this either. If anything, she would’ve told me flat out that I’d sucked and laughed as I’d tried to argue how great I was.

I let out a sigh of relief and pushed myself off the couch. This wasNova.My best friend. I’d seen her with food in her teeth and a zit the size of Mt. Hood on her forehead. I’d smelled her stank ass feet when we were teenagers, and she’d insisted on wearing a pair of sandals that were way past their expiration date. I was overthinking things.

Right when I was about to start locking up so I could crawl into bed for the night, a familiar knock on the front door made me freeze. Nova didn’t freeze, though, because that knock was just a courtesy thing. She didn’t care if I opened the door for her, in fact, she’d never expect it.

“Hey,” she said, walking inside. She dropped her bag near the door and looked around. “I thought you were having a party?”

“I did.” I was staring and I knew I was staring, but I couldn’t seem to help it.

She looked exactly the same as she’d always looked but for some reason it was completely different. As she unzipped her coat, I watched her hands. I knew what those fingers could do. I knew the feel of them on my skin and the bite of those nails and fuck me, but I was getting hard and I couldn’t seem to stop it.

“You had a party that was over by—” She looked at the clock on the wall that my mom had hung because she said I was always late. “Eleven o’clock?”

“People were tired,” I lied.

“On a Saturday night,” she replied slowly, her disbelief clear.

“I thought you were workin’?”

“I was.” She took off her coat and for some reason, the polo shirt with the little emblem on the chest that she had to wear for work seemed like it was tighter than it had been before. “I got off thirty minutes ago—what is the matter with you?”

I jerked my eyes up to meet hers and I’d never blushed in my life, but I had a feeling my ears were turning beet fucking red.


“Were you seriously staring at my boobs?”

“I wasn’t staring at anythin’.”

She scowled at me, and I grinned and for a moment it felt like everything was normal, but then she started toward me and I noticed the way her hips swayed from side to side and I knew I was completely fucked.

“Should I just go?” she asked, coming to a stop in front of me. “I’m beat anyway, but I thought you were having a party, so I stopped by.”

She stuttered to a stop when I reached out and gripped her hips, falling backward until my ass hit the back of the couch. She moved with me, letting me pull her between my legs, but her arms stayed down by her sides.

“I thought you weren’t comin’,” I said, tilting my head back to look at her.

“I said I would.”

I shrugged and pulled her a little closer. Now that I had my hands on her, I couldn’t quite remember why it had been such a bad idea for us to fuck around. We were adults and best friends and the sex was fantastic, or at least I thought it was.

“You got off, right?” I asked, making her jerk in surprise.

“Say what now?” she sputtered, her eyebrows pulling together.

“Last night,” I clarified, my thumbs finding her hip bones. God, why were hipbones so sexy? “You got off?”

“More than once,” she replied. “You don’t remember?”