From halfway up, her ribcage to her shoulder blade on the left side was mottled purple and red, some sections so dark they looked almost black.

“See?” she said, carefully letting the T-shirt drop back down. “It’s just a bruise. No big deal.”

“And you got that from tripping on the deck,” I whispered flatly.

I knew the moment that she’d realized the flaw in her plan. Her black eye was on the opposite side of the bruise on her back. There was no way she could’ve gotten both at once from falling unless she’d tumbled down a flight of stairs.

“Just… let it go, okay?” she murmured, her eyes on mine again. “I’m asking you to let it go.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” I countered in disbelief.

“Because I’m asking you.”

“What’s under the pants?” I asked instead, my hands shaking so bad that I had to tuck them into my armpits.

Fuck, I wanted to hold her. I wanted to pull her against my chest and feel her hands on me and kiss that ugly fucking bruise better.

“It’s not as bad,” she said, shaking her head.

“Show me.”

Nova let out a sigh and unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them down to her knees. She turned slightly, and another bruise came into view, this one long and thinner, ten different colors, running from her hip to her thigh.

“Jesus Christ,” I mumbled, horrified.

“It’s already getting better,” she said quickly. “Remember, you gave me that arnica stuff from your mom, and I’ve been putting it on.”

She rushed to pull her pants back up, but fumbled because her hands were shaking as bad as mine were.

“This is better?” I said hoarsely, going to my knees so I could help her gently pull the jeans back up her thighs. “Fuck, baby.”

“It’s really not that bad,” she said quietly while I buttoned and zipped her jeans. I felt her hand in my hair and froze as she slid her fingers through the strands.

Unable to stop myself, I rested my forehead against her stomach, breathing her in.

“I missed you,” Nova said so quietly I almost didn’t hear her.

“You coulda called me anytime,” I whispered back. “Dammit, Nova.”

“I’m fine, Rum,” she said, her fingers still running through my hair.

“Who did this?” I asked again, tilting my head back to look up at her. “Just tell me who did it. He won’t ever touch you again.”

“Stop,” she replied instantly, her face losing all emotion. “Just stop.”

“What the fuck?” I breathed, leaning away from her. “Why the hell won’t you tell me?”

“It’s none of your business.”

“The fuck it’s not!”

“I’m leaving,” she spat.

“No, you’re not,” I roared back, scrambling to my feet. I backed against the door as she glared at me. “Why the fuck would you let someone do this to you?”

“Let him?” she asked faintly, staring at me like I’d grown two heads.

“Well, you won’t tell me who it is,” I barked, throwing my hands up in the air.