Chapter 12



I turned at the sound of Bird’s voice and smiled as he came rushing inside the pancake house, waving what looked like a stack of mail in front of him like a flag.

“What’s up?” I asked, rounding my little pedestal so I could meet him in the lobby.

“You got a letter,” he said, out of breath as he shoved it at me. “Two actually.”


“Your school. You got the letter from your school.”

“Oh, shit,” I murmured, looking down at the envelopes in my hands. They were small. Thin. Did that mean I hadn’t gotten in? I had been pretty sure that I’d get a spot, but a little feeling in the back of my mind had told me not to becompletelysure.

“Open it,” Bird ordered, staring at me.

“Bird,” I hissed, looking over my shoulder. “I’m at work.” I tried to shove them back into his hands. “Here. Take them. I’ll read them when I get home.”

“No fucking way,” Bird practically shouted.

“Shut up,” I muttered through my teeth.

“I rode my fuckin’ bike all the way here,” he replied, lowering his voice. “Open the letters!”

“Fine.” I looked over my shoulder again and searched for my manager, finally finding her at the other end of the restaurant, watching us. Pointing toward the door, I tilted my head to the side. She frowned and nodded.

“Let’s go,” Bird ordered, dragging me out the front door.

We’d barely made it around the side of the building before I found myself sliding my finger under the flap, carefully ripping open the top of the letter. I stared.

“I got in,” I said softly, glancing up at Bird.

“You got in,” he yelled, throwing his hands up in the air. “Yes!”

I laughed, my stomach swooping with excitement as I looked back at my letter. There was a website I was supposed to go to in order to get more information, but I was welcome to register for the classes that started in the fall.

“What about the other one?” Bird asked, nodding toward the second envelope.

“Who cares,” I replied happily, making him snicker. I opened the second letter. I’d gotten into both schools.

“We need to celebrate,” Bird announced. “Go tell them you’re shitting your pants and have to go home.”

“I am not telling them that,” I shot back, wrinkling my nose in disgust.

“Well, tell them something!” He was practically hopping up and down. “This is huge! Weneedto celebrate!”

“You’re the best brother ever,” I replied, grinning at him.

The beauty school I was going to wasn’t anything fancy. It was the best one in our area, sure, but it wasn’t impossible to get into, just a little harder than the others. In a few years, Bird would get into a fancy Ivy League school on the East Coast—and this definitely wasn’t that—but he treated it like they were the same thing.

“Come on!” He said, grabbing my hand and swinging it around wildly. “Let’s go! Blow off work. Who cares?”

“I still have to work,” I reminded him, pulling my hand away and shoving playfully at his chest. “But I’ll ask if I can have the rest of the night off.”

“Yes!” he yelled. “I’m going to try and stuff my bike into the back of your car.”