“Bird’s my brother,” she said with a groan. “And he’s eleven. He needs more friends so he doesn’t get stuck hanging with his loser sister all the time.”

“Loser friends instead?”

“That’s the problem. His friends already are losers and they get grounded all the time.”

“Ah,” I replied knowingly. “Which is why he’s stuck with you.”

“He’s been asking about my mom more lately,” she said, her eyes still on the TV. “I’ve been torn between telling him the whole unvarnished truth and sugarcoating it a bit.”

“Like you said, he’s eleven. He can probably handle some truth.” Nova’s little brother was the smartest kid I’d ever met. I couldn’t believe some of the shit that came out of his mouth.

“Maybe,” she hedged. “Once you know that shit, you can’t unknow it.”

After that, she was quiet.

We spent the rest of the night eating Thai food and watching movies and by the time she’d fallen asleep and I was tucking the blanket around her, I couldn’t figure out why I was so fucking worried about our relationship. After we’d gotten the sex out of our systems, it had been exactly how it had always been.

Hanging with Nova had always been easy. We just clicked. We didn’t have to fill any silences with chatter or make elaborate plans. I didn’t know how many times I’d gone to her house when we were teenagers and we’d spent hours in her front yard in a couple of lawn chairs doing absolutely nothing.

This could work, this thing we had going. We could screw around when we felt like it and just do our regular shit the rest of the time. We were both busy. We both had a ton of shit going on. This was really the best of both worlds.

I stripped out of my jeans, flopped onto my bed face first. I could just imagine all the shit I could get done on the house if I wasn’t taking women out. That was at least a couple nights a week that I’d have free. I could go down to the clubhouse and hang with the boys. I could finally fix my motorcycle.

I was figuratively patting my back for being a fucking genius as I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Nova was leaning over me, her hand on my shoulder.

“What is it?” I asked tiredly. Jesus, what time was it?

“I’m going to head home,” she said quietly. “But I don’t have to work until tonight. You want me to come back over after I shower?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled, dropping my head back down. “You can help me re-caulk.”

“Say what now?” she whispered with a laugh.

“Caulking. Caulk.” It didn’t matter how I said it, it still sounded like cock. “We need to waterproof the edges of the shower and the sinks.”

“Ah,” she murmured, leaning back up. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

She slapped my ass as she left and I blearily lifted my hand so I could flip her off before I fell back asleep. I was so tired that by the time I woke up it was three hours later and Nova still hadn’t come back.

Chapter 8


Iwas grinning,and I knew it and I still couldn’t seem to flatten my mouth into a neutral expression. I’d had such an awesome time with Rumi. The sex had been as good as I’d expected but it was the hanging out that I was practically giddy about. It had seemed like old times and I was so freaking relieved I could’ve broken out in song.

Pulling up in front of my house, I mentally sorted through what clothes I had that I could work on Rumi’s house in. I’d inevitably get messy and I didn’t have a whole lot of clothing I could trash. Maybe I’d just put on some older jeans and borrow a shirt from Rumi when I got back to his house. He had about a million that were already stained because he never threw anything away. The guy was a bit of a pack rat.

I was thinking about how I needed to pack my work clothes into my bag so I could just change at Rumi’s, so when I walked in the door, I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going. Only a few feet inside the door, I bumped into a solid body and instantly was slammed into the wall, my face just inches from the little line of hooks where we hung our coats. I stared in confusion at the little black hook so close to my face.

Pop was yelling. I could tell by the look on his face that he was livid, but for some reason, I couldn’t actually hear what he was saying. I was so stunned that my ears were ringing and the entire trailer had a kind of hazy quality about it, like I was in the middle of a nightmare.

“You hear me?” Pop snapped his fingers in my face and I jerked backward, staring at him in confusion.

“What?” I replied, my voice so hoarse it was barely a whisper.

“You just stay out all night,” he yelled, his face getting closer to mine as he leaned forward. “Don’t bother lettin’ us know? You think this is a fuckin’ hotel?”