Page 124 of Rumi: The Hawthornes

“You know how I feel about riding on the back of your bike,” she said over her shoulder.

Reaching out to grasp her hips, I nearly groaned. The natural sway was coming back as she healed, and I was appreciating every moment of it. “You’re sleepin’ in my bed every night,” I said, leaning forward to kiss her on the back of the neck. “I’d have to say that we’re committed at this point.”

Nova scoffed good-naturedly and kept walking.

“What are you doing?” Bird asked as we reached the living room. Of course he hadn’t even glanced up from his anime show when I’d come in, but the second I tried to steal Nova away he was on high alert.

“Goin’ for a drive,” I said, reaching down to scrub my knuckles over his head. “Let your nana know when she gets off the phone, yeah?”

“Can I go?”


“Not this time,” I said, widening my eyes at Nova when we spoke at the same time. “I’ll take you to get a milkshake later.”

“Fine,” he grumbled, going back to his show.

Before Nova could invite anyone else, I grabbed her bag off the floor and ushered her outside.

“What’s the rush?” she asked, frowning as I led her to my truck. At some point, one of the prospects had brought Ash’s car over to my place, but Nova’s was still back at the trailer. Clothes and toiletries had been gathered and paperwork was secured from Samson’s safe by a couple of the old ladies, but none of Nova’s family had been back there yet. They weren’t ready and I couldn’t blame them. I didn’t want to step foot in that trailer ever again and I’d only seen the aftermath.

“You realize we haven’t been alone in months?” I asked conversationally as I helped her into the truck. “Months.”

She waited until I was in the truck to respond. “We’re together every second you’re not at work. I think this is more time than we’veeverspent together.”

“Yes,” I muttered. “But there’s always other people around.”


I glared at her as we backed out of the driveway.

“I’m just saying,” she said with a laugh. “It seems like you’d be sick of me by now.”

“I’m not going to get sick of you.”

“Never say never.”

“I could walk around all day with you sharing a pair of pants and I still wouldn’t be sick of you.”

“Like, both of us in one pair of pants?” she asked dubiously.


“How would that work exactly?”

“Well, you’d obviously be in the front.”


“You’re deliberately missing the point.”

“I’m not even sure there was a point.”

“I’m not going to get sick of you.”

“Oh, right.”

We were quiet as I picked a back road that I knew wouldn’t be busy and started driving. Nova rolled down the window and closed her eyes, letting the wind blow in her face and make her hair crazy. Fuck, she was beautiful.