Page 112 of Rumi: The Hawthornes

“We’re gettin’ off track here,” I said, slicing my hand through the air. I wanted to get back to Nova. “I’ll take them home with me. Mom, can I borrow your rig? You can take Micky’s truck.”

“Works for me,” she replied.

“You guys can head out,” I said, looking around. “We’ll be leaving before too long.”

Dragon shook his head. “We’ll go when you do.”

“Suit yourselves,” I said, shrugging. I didn’t really care what they did. My mind was already back with Nova.

It took two more hours before they let Nova go. Ash kept one hand on Bird as we walked toward the front of the hospital because he was still a little unsteady on his feet and I held Nova’s hand as she shuffled forward. When we reached the lobby, she stopped short.

Almost every member of the MC was still in the waiting room and they got to their feet when they saw us.

“What are they doing?” Nova whispered as Ash and Bird walked forward.

“Makin’ sure you’re okay,” I replied. I finally understood why Dragon said they’d be staying.

The show of support for the three survivors was blatant. I’d grown up in the thick of things, and I’d seen things like this before, but it still made my throat thick with emotion.

“Ash,” Dragon said quietly, stepping forward to say something quietly to Nova’s nana. He was so much taller than her that he had to bend his head down to hear her. He gently put his hand between his shoulders as he walked her through the crowd.

“Good to see you on your feet again,” my gramps said to Nova, winking at her as she moved toward him.

“Thanks,” she breathed. She was trying really hard to act calm but her eyes were red around the edges and teary.

“You need anythin’, you let us know,” Leo said, giving her a nod.

“Heard how things went down,” my dad said, stopping us with his hand on Nova’s forearm. “Good job, sweetheart.”

Nova nodded.

By the time we got outside, Micky had pulled my mom’s SUV up to the doors. Nova climbed carefully into the front seat as Ash and Bird got in the back.

“You okay, baby?” Ash asked.

“Just dizzy, Nana,” Bird replied quietly. “I’m all doped up so my ear’s not too bad.”

I laughed quietly as I put the SUV in gear.

We were halfway back to my house when Nova spoke.

“Hey, Rum?” She turned and looked at me, her head resting against the seat. “Why did your dad tell me good job?”

Before I could speak, Ash did.

“When they were kids.” She cleared her throat. “There was a shooting. We weren’t there. But from what I’ve heard, Tommy’s younger brother Micky covered him with his body.”

The rest of us were silent.

“Protected him. Tommy came through without a scratch.” Ash was quiet for a moment. “I’d imagine for Tommy, there’s nothing more noble than protecting your brother.”

“That’s the uncle Mick is named after?” Nova asked me quietly.

“That’s the one,” I replied hoarsely.

“Oh,” she breathed, reaching out to weave her fingers between mine.

“They don’t talk about it much,” I said, glancing at her. “They talk about Uncle Micky, but they don’t talk about what happened.”