“They’re goin’ to the hospital,” my dad answered before Nova or Bird could say a word. “You can ask your questions after they’ve seen a doctor.”

“This is a mur—”

“Hospital,” my dad said, cutting him off.

“Nana?” Nova’s wail cut through the room.

“Just goin’ down to answer some questions, sweetheart,” Ash said as an officer escorted her forward, his hand wrapped around her bicep. “I’ll come to the hospital as soon as I can.”

“No,” Nova said, starting forward. “No, don’t—”

“You take care of your brother,” Ash ordered. “You go get checked out and then I’ll be there.”

“No, you can’t take her,” Nova said, turning on the policeman who’d been trying to ask her questions.“What are you doing?”

“Miss, there was a shooting.”

“Yeah, I know,” Nova replied sharply. “I was there.”

“You ready to answer some questions?” the cop asked.

“She’s goin’ to the hospital,” my dad barked, glaring at the cop. “Now.”

“Don’t let them take her,” Bird said, his eyes wide. “Do something.”

“Quiet,” my dad ordered soothingly. “We’ll take care of it.”

We helped Nova and Bird outside, but by the time we’d made it down the porch steps, Bird was having a hard time staying on his feet. The yard was swarming with police and Aces and neighbors.

“Micky,” my dad called.

“Hey, Birdman,” Mick said, going to Bird’s other side. “How you doin’, kid?”

“Dizzy,” Bird muttered, tripping over his own feet.

Without another word, Micky swung Bird into his arms like a big baby.

“That works, too,” my dad mumbled.

“We need your truck,” I told Micky as we made our way painfully slow out of the yard.

I had one arm around Nova’s waist with my hand on her hip, but I wasn’t sure where else I could touch her without hurting her. I wanted to pick her up like Micky had done with Bird, but I was afraid it would jostle her rib too much.

“Take it,” Mick replied easily. “I’ll take your piece of shit.”

“At least it’s running,” Nova pointed out quietly, her eyes searching the crowd.

“You takin’ them to the hospital?” Casper asked, jogging toward us.

I nodded.

“Fuck me,” he said, stopping in front of us so he could look at Bird and Nova. “Should’ve gone in an ambulance.”

“Too expensive,” Nova muttered.

“We fucked up,” Casper whispered, his eyes on my girl. “Fuck.”

“I’m gonna puke,” Bird moaned. Micky barely got him on his feet before Bird was vomiting everything he’d eaten that day.