“I figured,” I replied wryly.

“How have things been at home?” she asked, leaning back in her seat.

The question was innocuous but there was something in her eyes that made me clasp my hands tightly in my lap.

“Oh, it’s good,” I replied uncomfortably. “You know.”


“I’m probably getting a little old to still be living at home.”

“Psh.” She waved me off. “You’re what? Nineteen? You’ve got plenty of time to move out.”

“That’s what my nana says.”

“Ash is a smart woman.”

“I think so.”

“She seemed pretty pissed when she left the other night.”

I almost acted like I didn’t know what she was talking about. She wouldn’t have believed me, but I think she would’ve let me get away with it. But something in her calm expression put me at ease.

“Yeah, she was pretty pissed when she got home, too.”

“Can’t really blame her,” Brenna said with a sigh. “Riding drunk has killed more MC members than I’d care to remember. I was surprised that Samson even attempted it.”

“Me too,” I murmured.

“Pretty out of character,” she said sympathetically.


“If one of the boys would’ve seen it, they wouldn’t have let him leave,” she told me, watching me closely. “Especially with Ash on the back of his bike.”

I just shrugged. I wasn’t sure what she was getting at.

“Dragon was in the bathroom when they left,” she continued. “And a few others were out back but almost everyone had gone home.”

I nodded. “They got back pretty late.”

“I didn’t feel like it was my place to say something,” she said with a sigh. “But I did tell Dragon, later.”

I nodded again, and she leaned forward a little, her eyes on me.

“It’s not my place to say something, but it is his place,” she said softly. “You understand?”

“I think so.”

“So when I see something, anything, I tell him.”

“Makes sense.”

“So, in the future,” she murmured, tapping her fingers softly on the table. “If there’s something you think he should know…”

“Tell you,” I replied softly.

“You could.” She nodded. “I’d make sure the right ears heard it.”