Rumi was naked, his entire backside on full display. In front of him, her ass on the back of the couch was a woman I didn’t know, one of her feet was braced almost impossibly next to her hip, her back was arched, and her hands were in Rumi’s hair.

Her nipple was in his mouth. His hands were gripping her waist. She was moaning. In the quiet house, I could hear his panting breaths as his hips thrust forward over and over.

Somehow, they hadn’t heard me come in.

I had to get the fuck out of there. I had to leave before they saw me. My mind raced and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest and my hands started to shake, but I couldn’t make myself move. I just stood there, watching as his hands roamed and her fingers twisted in his hair and my heart, my stupid heart, broke into a million pieces all over the wood floor I’d spent hours helping him refinish.

I told myself to move. I even got one foot to slide back toward the door, but before I could get the rest of my body to cooperate, Bird laid on the horn in my car and Rumi’s head snapped up in surprise.

“Whoa,” the girl yelped when she saw me.

I kept my eyes on her. She was really beautiful.

“Sorry,” I said quickly, my voice coming out like a croak. Of course, she was beautiful. I’d never seen Rumi with anyone who wasn’t.

I jerked backward and accidentally met his wide eyes.

“Nova,” he breathed. Now he was the one frozen in place.

I was thankful for that. Thankful that he hadn’t pulled away from her and I hadn’t had to watch as he turned toward me, that I hadn’t had to see any further evidence of what he’d been doing. The thought of catching sight of his condom-covered dick as he pulled out of another woman made bile rise in my throat and I threw up a hand as if to keep him in place.

“Sorry,” I croaked again.

I turned and ran toward my car, slamming the door behind me. I didn’t even try to pretend like I wasn’t running away. I was beyond embarrassment or pride, I just wanted to get the fuck out of there as quickly as I possibly could.

“What happened?” Bird yelled as I threw myself in the car and turned on the engine.

“Nothing,” I spat, my hands shaking. I pulled away from the curb so fast that my tires squealed and Bird cursed.

“Something happened,” Bird argued demandingly. “What the hell, Nova?”

“He was busy,” I replied, the words tasting like sawdust in my mouth.

Oh, god. Oh, god, he’d been fucking someone else. He’d been fucking someone else on the couch that I’d gone with him to buy from some old lady.

“What do you mean,busy?” Bird asked in confusion. “Why would that—oh.”

“Yeah,” I muttered. I was driving too fast, and I knew it, but the urge to get as far away from Rumi’s house as possible was still running through my veins.

“I’m sorry, No,” Bird said sympathetically, gripping the door and the dash for dear life. “Slow down.”

“It’s fine,” I replied, slowing a little. “I’m just embarrassed.”

“He’s the one who should be embarrassed.” Bird shrugged. “He’s the one who got walked in on when he was bangin’ someone.”

I winced and hit the brakes as we reached the tight curve near our trailer park. Unfortunately, I didn’t slow down enough and as we turned, my body naturally drifted toward my door and the pressure I’d put against it made it swing open.

I’d forgotten to make sure it was latched.

I screamed as air and the sound of the road rushed by me and I tried to use my grip on the steering wheel to keep me inside the car, but I could feel my ass sliding toward the road.

“Nova!” Bird yelled, reaching for me. His hands fisted in my clothes as I leaned toward him.

I somehow was able to slam on the brake and we came to a jolting stop just after the curve, my door slamming closed once again as we sat completely terrified in the middle of the road.

It had only taken seconds.

“Holy shit,” Bird yelled, letting go of me. “What just happened?”