“I’m betting you don’t get nearly the shit that other prospects do.”

“I probably getmoreshit,” I grumbled.

“No you don’t,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “Because they already love you. They already know you’re loyal. They already know you’re going to be a member. Nepotism is alive and well at the Aces and Eights MC.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, seeing her point. “I’m a whiny little bitch.”

Nova laughed. “You’ve been a prospect for a year already. I’m guessing you’ll patch in before too long.”

“Tell Dragon that the next time you see him?”

“Not a chance.”

“You know,” I murmured, glaring at her. “Best friends aren’t supposed to give you shit.”

“Uh-huh,” she replied dubiously.

“They’re supposed to support you and make you feel better…” my words trailed off as she leaned over and ran her tongue around my nipple.

“Like this? Does this make you feel better?”

“Again?” I asked, smiling as her hand slid over my thigh.

“Only if it’ll make you feel better,” she joked, squealing as I flipped her onto her back. “I’m just trying to be a good friend!”

Chapter 4


“Come back,” Rumisaid, his voice muffled by a pillow as he halfheartedly reached for me. “I promise I won’t be a whiny bitch anymore.”

“Can’t,” I replied, pulling my black work pants on. Ugh, getting back into my work clothes after I’d already showered kind of defeated the purpose of showering. I needed to remember a change of clothes the next time I decided to stop by. “I told Nana I’d come home and hang with Bird tonight.”

“Your brother’s old enough to hang by himself,” Rumi grumbled.

“So are you,” I shot back.

“Okay, that’s fair.”

“Her and Pop are going out tonight,” I said as I pulled on my shirt. “So I said I’d stay home.”

“Oldies are gettin’ wild, huh?” he asked, rolling to his back.

“I doubt it.” My socks were still damp from sweat. Lovely. “But Pop’s been in a mood lately, so hopefully this’ll be good for them.”

“He’s been in a mood?”

“Yeah.” I grimaced. “Grumpy.”

“Samson?” His disbelief was clear. “That dude is Zen.”

“He wouldn’t be happy you’re using a hippie word like Zen,” I pointed out with a laugh. “But yeah, he’s usually pretty easygoing. I think he’s just tired. They’re getting old and he’s still working full time.”

“He seemed fine when I saw him earlier.”

“Good.” I leaned against his dresser. “Hopefully that means they’ll have fun tonight. I’ll text you later?”

“Fine,” Rumi grumbled. “Hey, you don’t think you have time to make me a sandwich, do you?”