Page 69 of Freedom Ride

“As any good brother would do.”

“Excuse me,” a voice called.

I turned and came face to face with a woman pointing a gun at my head. I stood there, frozen in fear, as a sudden wave of panic washed over me. My eyes widened, fixated on the figure of the woman. Her eyes burned with a crazed intensity, and in her hand, she clutched a gun.

“Drop the phone, and don’t say a word,” she ordered.

I could hear Nolan calling my name, but I was too afraid to say anything. I dropped my phone to the ground, and it clattered at my feet.

“Face the door, and put your hands in the air,” she demanded.

I slowly turned as my heart pounded in my chest, and I instinctively looked around for an escape route, but my legs felt heavy, as if rooted to the ground.

“So much as think of running, and I will shoot you dead,” she growled.

What in the hell was happening? I had never seen this woman a day in my life before, but she was ready to kill me if I so much as breathed wrong.

Her footsteps moved closer to me, and she shoved the barrel of the gun into my back. “Open the door slowly.”

“Wh-wh-who are you?” I managed to breathe out.

“I’m the bitch who is going to kill your boyfriend because he killed my brother,” she hissed. “Tit for tat,” she seethed. “Now open the door.”

I shakily grabbed the door handle and pushed it open.

“Babe,” Jonas called. “I was just about to come out to–.” His words died in his throat when his eyes landed on me.

“So much as move an inch, and she’s leaving here in a body bag,” the woman growled. She goaded me into the clubhouse and slammed the door shut.

King was like a statue in the recliner, while Jonas was white as a ghost standing next to Meg. Meg’s back was to us, but she slowly turned her head.

“Don’t fucking move!” the woman screamed.

The room seemed to spin as fear coursed through my veins. Time seemed to slow down as I watched the tension rise, and my heart threatened to burst from my chest.

“Just tell us what you want,” King called.

“What I want?” the woman cackled. “What I want is that asshole to fucking rot in hell for killing my brother,” she spat.

“Your brother?” King asked. “Was your brother Aaron?”

“Oh, you’re a regular fucking Einstein,” she sneered. “The filthy biker has a few brain cells. I’m Anne Gibbs, and you’re all going to die if you don’t do exactly what I tell you to do.”

I swallowed hard, and my gaze shifted between Jonas and King.

Aaron Gibbs' sister seemed to be just as crazy as he was.

“I’ll give you whatever you want, just let her go,” Jonas called. “You can shoot me dead as soon as you let her go,” he promised.

“Jonas,” I gasped, “No!”

“Shut up!” she jabbed the gun further into my back, and I cried out in pain. “I am making the fucking demands here. I am getting the justice my brother deserved.”

“Your brother was a murderer, too,” Meg called. “He killed Layla while trying to kill Birdie.”

“He wasn’t going to kill Birdie!” Anne screamed. “They fucking belonged together, and he was just showing her that.”

Whoa, this chick really was coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs.