Page 8 of Freedom Ride

Chapter Six


Dear Jonas,

I’m not really sure why I’m writing this. It just feels right. You should be out of prison now and hopefully back with your club. Your day of freedom!

I have your phone number, but it feels strange to be able to just call you whenever I want. Maybe once you call me first, it might not be so weird. Or it will be weird, and you’ll just have to get used to me being weird and rambling.

My job still sucks. I’ve been looking for something else, but nothing seems right. There don’t seem to be any receptionist jobs I can do from home. LMAO How strange, right?

I need to figure out how to be a stay-at-home doggie mom and still make money to pay my bills. Doc and Marty aren’t exactly cheap. Though that might be more of a me problem and not a them problem. I am the human in this, right?

Anyway, I guess I’ll just have to keep looking for a job or just suck it up with Mindy lording over me.

I can’t wait to hear from you. Just call me when you’re ready.

And I hope it’s okay I sent this to the clubhouse. You’re home now, Jonas. I’m so happy for you.



Chapter Seven