Page 72 of Freedom Ride

Jonas climbed to his feet, and I slipped from King’s hold and catapulted myself into Jonas’ arms.

“Babe,” he grunted. He buried her face in my air, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

With tears of relief glistening in my eyes, I whispered his name, my voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and love. “You saved me, Jonas.”

“Nothing will ever take you away from me, Lennox. You’re forever mine.”

Every breath I took felt like a victory, each inhalation drawing in the pure air of newfound freedom.

“I love you,” I whispered. “I’ll love you forever.”

King gathered Meg into his arms and let out a sigh of relief.

“I really thought the crazy shit with the club was over,” Ransom murmured.

“Yeah, us, too,” King called.

When it came to the club, you had to take the bad with the good.

And right now the bad was being loaded into the back of a cop car where she would hopefully spend a long time in a mental asylum far away from Jonas, me and the club.

“You know,” Meg sighed, “I really don’t miss this. You think we can go back to everyone having babies and we ride off into the sunset in our RV?” she asked King.

“Now that sounds like a fucking plan,” King agreed. “You think you guys can stay away from the bad crazies?”

Jonas held up his hand. “All I plan on doing for the rest of my life is loving Lennox, and add a few babies to our family.”

“And Doc and Marty,” I added. “We can’t forget about the boys.”

Meg laughed and rested her head on King's shoulder. “I’m good with adding a few more grandkids to the family.”

“Me, too,” I whispered.

Me, too.
