Chapter Four
Dear Snapper,
I don’t even know if this letter will get to you before you’re released, but it’s kind of hard for me to let go of writing you. I’ve done it for so long, and it just seems weird not to do it every few days. Who am I going to tell about my days and complain about Mindy to anymore?
I guess Nolan is going to have to deal with me writing to him again.
I’m still working the late shift. I just don’t like it. The puppies miss me so much when I’m gone, and it breaks my heart to hear them crying when I lock the door. Maybe I need to find a new job? Something I can do from home, maybe?
I don’t know.
It would be a big change, and change is just so scary.
Gah, why does life have to be so hard? If Mindy would just schedule me for the early morning shifts, I wouldn’t even be thinking of getting a new job. I like my job, just not the hours she is making me work.
Here I go again, rambling about something you probably don’t even care about. You would figure by now I would stop the rambling with you, but it always just seems to happen. You’re like my diary I tell everything to, even the dumb stuff. Like me rambling. Now I’m probably going to ramble on about rambling.
I’m going to end this here. I just hope I’m not this rambly when we actually meet.
Four (maybe three or even two, depending on how long it takes this letter to get to you) days until you’re free, Jonas. ;) (You know I couldn’t write a letter without calling you Jonas.)
Chapter Five