Page 10 of Freedom Ride

Fayth rolled her eyes and held Kane in her arms. “You all didn’t argue about the bounce house or slide. I’m just hoping Kane can get a chance on them before you guys pop them.”

“We’re not going to pop them,” Slider argued. “They’re heavy duty and meant for twenty kids to beat them up. They can handle a few adults on them.”

Fayth rolled her eyes. “Right. I can only imagine what is going to happen when Leo and the guys get here.”

“I would pay to watch Leo go down the waterslide,” Royal laughed and turned to Marco. “Even you, I would pay to see bounce around.”

Marco swung Royal up in his arms and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Well, you better get your wallet out, babe, because we’re both going down the slide.” He took off for the slide with Royal screaming to stop.

“You really think he is going to go down the slide without changing?” Meg laughed.

“I’m pretty sure changing is not on Marco’s mind,” Fayth laughed.

Marco made it to the slide and urged Royal up the side to the top. She loudly protested that she didn’t want to get wet, but once they made it to the top, there was only one way down.

“I hate you,” Royal screamed before Marco grabbed her around the waist and knocked them both down the slide.

They splashed into the pool of water at the bottom, and Royal came up laughing. She threw herself at Marco and tackled him.

“See,” Meg called proudly. “This was a great idea. We’re all having fun.” She folded her arms over her chest and beamed proudly.

“Not quite yet,” King grunted. He swooped Meg into his arms and jogged over to the bottom of the waterslide.

“Don’t you dare!” she screamed.

King glanced back at us. “What do you think?” he called to us.

“Do it!” we cheered.

“Traitors!” Meg screamed. “I plan this amazing party for you, and this is how you repay me?”

“Toss her!” I yelled.

“Rude!” Meg protested. “How dare you!”

I shrugged, and Hero put his arm over my shoulders. “Happy to be back to the craziness?” he asked.

King tossed Meg into the water next to Royal and Marco. Meg’s arms and legs flailed, and a huge smile was plastered on her lips. She may have protested King tossing her in the water, but she was having a hell of a time.

“Rude!” Meg screamed again.

King pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground. He jumped into the water, and Meg dove for his legs. She knocked him over, and he went down on his ass like a ton of bricks.

King grabbed Meg’s ankle and dragged him over to her as she fought to get away from him.

“You think this is what we’re gonna be doing when we’re old?” Luna asked.

“Who are you calling old?” Fayth laughed. “I think we’re all still pretty young.”

Slider grabbed Fayth and lifted her into his arms.

“Slider,” she scolded. “I’ve got Kane in my arms.”

“Not anymore,” Royal laughed. She grabbed Kane and swung him around in the air. “Let’s watch Grandma get wet,” she cooed to Kane.

Kane flailed his arms and let out a peel of laughter.

“You better not throw me in that water!” Fayth protested.