Page 25 of Beach Rules

“What’s the condition?” he asked.

“That we have the wedding at the beach after my father is back on his feet again. I want my dad to give me away.” She looked back over at her father and his smile lit up the small room.

“I’d love to give you away, honey,” he agreed.

“It’s settled then,” Brooks said. “We’re getting hitched at the beach after your dad can get back on his feet.”

Lorna knocked on the open door, smiling at them. “I hope that what I heard in the hallway is true—there’s going to be a wedding?” she asked.

“There is,” Savannah said. “And I’m betting that my dad will need a date. How about it?” she asked Lorna, “you want to be my dad’s plus one?”

“Oh,” Lorna breathed, pulling Savannah in for a hug. “I’d love that. Thank you for including me.”

“Of course,” Savannah agreed, “why wouldn’t I? You’re practically family now.” Brooks was proud of his girl for being so giving. Savannah might be stubborn, but she had a heart the size of the ocean.

“Thank you, honey,” her father said. “Now, how about we talk about you two getting back down to that beach house and enjoying the rest of your summer? Before you know it, you’ll be back here, and we’ll be moving you out of the house.”

“And, if you hate my place, we can find something together,” Brooks offered.

“How about I take a look at it before I decide if I hate it or not,” she said. “It’s a lot of change, are you sure that you’re okay with all of that?” she asked him.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Brooks said. “Now, how about I show you my place and after your dad gets settled back in at home, and you’re ready, we can go back to the beach house?” he asked.

“Our beach house,” Savannah said. “I’d love to spend the rest of my summer with you there. And the rest of my life with you, here, in DC where we both belong.” She was right, they both belonged together and the both of them living in DC made things so much easier. He just never thought that he’d have to go to his favorite beach in Georgia to meet a nice girl from DC to marry, but he did. Brooks loved the way that life worked out sometimes—even with all the crazy stuff going on around them, love still found a way, and he had their beach house to thank for bringing them both together.

The End

I hope you enjoyed Brooks and Savannah’s story. Now, buckle up for a sneak peek at K.L. Ramsey’s second book in The Summer Lovin’ Series- Making Waves is coming in July 2023!



Ginger walked into the pharmacy on the corner about two blocks from the beach house. She quickly looked around to make sure that no one had followed her. After she gave Savannah’s address to Brooks and saw him off, she realized that she was feeling a whole lot better. Her tummy had stopped churning and she didn’t feel the need to run to the bathroom every few minutes to toss her cookies. The ginger ale and crackers she had eaten did the trick.

But then, she started to think back over the past few days of her mysterious illness and realized that she seemed to only be sick in the morning when she first woke up. As soon as she was able to keep down a few crackers and ginger ale, she usually felt better and by lunchtime, she was starving and eating all the snacks while on the beach.

She decided to give good old Dr. Google a try at diagnosing her because the last thing she wanted to do was take another trip to the clinic in town to find out what was wrong with her. She had spent enough time there with Savannah after her go-carting accident since she had to be monitored for a week after her concussion. When the question “Could you be pregnant?” popped up on the laptop screen, she wanted to toss it across the room. It was a good question though—could she be pregnant? The answer, unfortunately, was yes. She realized that she had not gotten her period once since they were at the beach house, and it had been over a month since they arrived. That meant that she was actually about two months late since she skipped last month too. Usually, that was no big deal for Ginger. She was never very regular, but she had never been a full two months late.

She did some math and realized that the last time she had sex was with Trevor and it lined up with the possibility of her being two months pregnant. But she was getting ahead of herself. First, she was going to have to find a test and take it, then, she’d worry about the math and Trevor. It wasn’t a good plan, but it was the only plan she had.

She really hated feeling like everyone was watching her as she walked up and down the aisles of the pharmacy, trying to find the pregnancy tests. Ironically, she found them next to the condoms and wanted to laugh at how funny that was, but she wasn’t in a laughing mood. If she had insisted that Trevor used condoms, she wouldn’t be in this situation. Instead, she foolishly believed that her birth control pill was enough to keep her out of this aisle in the pharmacy.

She wasn’t sure which brand to buy, so she tossed about five different boxes into her basket and started for the register. Ginger put the basket up on the counter and the clerk looked at her and smiled. She was an older woman and Ginger was pretty sure she was going to ask a lot of personal questions she wasn’t ready to answer.

“First baby?” the woman asked.

“Um, I’m not even sure that I’m pregnant, so no,” Ginger said. She sounded like a bitch, but she just couldn’t help herself. She wanted to pay for the damn tests and go home to take one—or all of them.

“I see,” the woman said, still ringing up the tests. “This is a good one. If a plus sign appears in the window, you will instantly know that you’re pregnant.” She said it as if it was a good thing. The last thing Ginger wanted to be was pregnant.

“Thanks for the tutorial,” she grumbled. “How much do I owe you?” she asked, trying to speed along the process.

“Oh, it’s eighty-five, ninety-three,” the clerk said.

“What—for five pregnancy tests?” Ginger asked. She hadn’t really paid much attention to the price of each test, but that had to be wrong.

“Well, some of those boxes have two tests in them, so it’s not a bad deal,” the woman said.