Page 23 of Beach Rules

“Oh, well, I’m afraid that you have me at a disadvantage. You know who I am, but I don’t know who you are. Savannah isn’t very happy with me at the moment. I might have started off as her father’s hired nurse, but I kind of went and fell in love with him,” Lorna admitted. “So, I’m afraid that Savannah is a little bit upset with me at the moment.” He bet that she was. Savannah didn’t like surprises at all and finding out that her father’s nurse was dating her father would have been a major surprise.

“I can imagine. The one thing I’ve learned about Savannah is that she’s fair. Give her time, she’ll come around,” Brooks assured. Lorna smiled at him and nodded.

“I like you Brooks, and I have a feeling that you’ll be good for Savannah. Her father’s on the third floor, room three twenty-nine.”

“Thank you, Lorna,” Brooks said, leaning in to quickly kiss her cheek. “Don’t worry about Savannah—I’ll put in a good word for you.”

“I appreciate that, Brooks,” Lorna said. “Good to meet you.”

“You too,” he called back over his shoulder as he ran to his car and hopped in the driver’s seat. He was finally going to see his girl after half a week and be able to tell her that he was in love with her. Brooks was ready to deal with the aftermath, as long as he got to see Savannah tonight.

* * *

He got to the hospital and parked in the visitor parking garage. He hoped like hell he’d be allowed in to see Savannah. He was pretty sure that hospital visiting hours were almost over, and he just hoped that he wouldn’t miss her.

He asked for directions to her father’s room and was pleasantly surprised that he wasn’t asked too many questions. They told him to just go right up. Brooks stepped off the elevator and plowed into someone who was getting on. “Sorry,” he breathed.

“Brooks?” He looked up to find Savannah staring back at him as if he had lost his mind. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I’m here to see you,” he admitted.

“You drove all the way here from the beach?” she asked.

“I did, to see you,” he repeated.

“Why would you do that?” she asked. “I told you to stay at the beach house and enjoy your summer.”

“I know what you told me to do, Savannah, I was there.” She looked back at the door to the left. “I take it that’s your father’s room. How’s he doing?”

“How did you know that I was here?” she asked.

“I talked to Lorna at your house, and she told me where I could find you,” he said.

“Great,” she mumbled. “Lorna is turning out to be more trouble than she’s worth.”

“Yeah, she told me about that too,” Brooks admitted. “You should be happy that your father has found someone. Isn’t that a good thing?”

“He says it is, but I’m just wondering where that will leave me,” she said. “I’ve lived with him this whole time, taking care of him, and now, he has Lorna.”

“I’m sure that they aren’t pushing you out of your house, Savannah,” Brooks said.

“No, but I won’t stick around and be a third wheel,” she admitted.

“Why not move in with me?” he asked. “You know, after this summer is over and we leave the beach house.”

“I can’t go back to the beach house,” she insisted.

“Yes, you can,” her father shouted from his room. She had left the door to the room ajar and apparently, his hearing worked just fine. Brooks couldn’t help his chuckle. “He might not be able to remember what day it is most of the time, but his hearing is that of a twenty-year-old man. He’s got some kind of damn radar or something.”

“Did you just call your father a bat?” Brooks asked.

“Yeah, an old bat,” she shouted back over her shoulder so her father would definitely hear her.

“I’d love to meet your father,” Brooks said.

“Fine,” she grumbled, “but, you and I aren’t finished talking.”

“Not by a long shot, honey,” Brooks agreed. They wouldn’t be finished talking until she agreed to move in with him and spend the rest of her life being his. But they’d get to that soon enough. First, he planned on meeting her father and asking his permission to marry his daughter.