Page 11 of Beach Rules

“I got my money back in full too,” Ginger said. Savannah had received all her money back also, and she had a feeling that she knew exactly why that was.

“You,” she said, turning on Brooks, poking her finger into his rock-hard, massive chest. When they got home, he quickly changed into his swimsuit, forgoing a shirt, and now, she was regretting putting her finger where it didn’t belong because all she wanted to do was touch him all over.

“What about me,” he said, standing his ground. If she wasn’t mistaken, he even puffed out his chest a bit, to give her the full effect of his mass.

“Don’t you ‘What about me,' to me. You know exactly what I’m accusing you of. You told Melody to give us the full return, didn’t you? Does this have anything to do with you feeling sorry for me? I knew that I should never have shared that stuff about the mean kids at school with you, Brooks. I don’t need nor want your pity,” Savannah spat.

“You told him about the mean kids at school?” Ginger asked.

“Oh, honey,” Norah sympathized. This was the very last thing she needed. It was bad enough that she told Brooks about how the kids at school used to tease her; she didn’t need the rest of the guys to know about it too.

“We’ll talk about it later,” she said to her girlfriends.

“I felt bad for calling you stiff and ridged,” he admitted. “So, I decided to do something nice for you and your friends to make up for it.”

“Oh, that’s incredibly sweet,” Norah said.

“It’s not sweet,” Savannah countered. “It’s just not. I don’t need your pity money. I told you that it’s no big deal. This is just who I am, and I’ve been called worse.”

“I bet,” Colter chimed in.

“You shut the fuck up,” Brooks said, pointing his finger at his friend. “This has nothing to do with you guys, so let me handle it.”

“I think that it does have something to do with us,” Jude said. “You could have asked us if we’re good with you giving the girls all the money from the rental.”

“We are women, and I’d gladly give you half of my money if you’d like,” Ginger offered.

“No, that would just make me look and feel bad. What I’m saying is that our friend should have run this by us first, before just doing what he wanted to do,” Jude said.

“I should have, and I’m sorry. I’ll gladly wire you the money, if that’s what you want, Jude,” Brooks said.

“Again, not the point,” Jude said. “This is typical, Brooks. You’re always making decisions for the group without asking us how we feel. Take this trip for example, you made the decision that we were coming to the beach. Colter and I wanted to get a cabin by the lake, but we gave into you because you gave us the whole song and dance about coming here as a kid.”

“You used to come here when you were a kid?” Savannah asked.

“I did, but we can talk about that later if you’d like,” Brooks offered. Savannah knew that he was about the same age as her, and she wondered if maybe they had crossed paths when they were just kids, coming to the same beach. It was a small town and very possible, but Brooks was right, he needed to settle things with his friends, and she wasn’t a part of it.

“I’m going to get changed and leave you guys to talk,” she said. “You guys want to pack the cooler? I’ll be ready to hit the beach in a few minutes,” she said to Ginger and Norah, trying to give the guys some space.

“Um, sure,” Norah agreed. She and Ginger disappeared to the kitchen and Savannah grabbed her suitcase, lugging it back to the bedroom she and Brooks were going to share. She took one last look back at the three guys who were all still staring each other down. A part of her felt bad about starting all of this with her accusations of Brooks giving her and the girls their money back out of pity. She still wanted to talk to him about that, but he was right, the guys needed to talk first and settle whatever was going on between the three of them. Then, she’d find a way to give Brooks back the money because there was no way that she wanted to keep his pity gift.


Brooks knew that the guys had wanted to go to a lake, closer to home, but he had pushed them to get a house at the beach. He loved growing up and visiting the beach with his parents. He loved the small-town feel of the place and the nostalgia he felt every time they pulled onto Main Street in town. He loved everything about coming to the beach, but Jude was right, he should have asked them what they wanted. He should have listened to his friends and maybe give them a chance to be a part of the decision of where they ended up for the whole summer. He was an ass, and hearing his friend accuse him of being one hurt even more.

“You’re right,” Brooks said. “I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to where you two wanted to go. I’m an ass, but I thought that you two might love this place as much as I do.”

“I think it’s great here,” Colter said. “Well, except for the whole rental mix-up. I mean, I honestly don’t mind sharing the house with the girls, but it would have been nice if it was just the three of us, like we planned. Sharing a room with Norah is nice, but what happens if I meet someone and want to bring her back to the house for the night? I can’t do that now.”

“Or you could just hook up with Norah,” Jude countered.

“Yeah, I don’t think that she’s really my type,” Colter insisted. Of course, she wasn’t his type. She seemed to be quite smart, and Colter really didn’t date smart women. In fact, he avoided them like the plague. “I mean, Norah’s hot, but she’s a know it all.”

“I heard that,” Norah called from the kitchen, “and, thanks for calling me hot, but I’d take being smart over pretty any day. Besides, my degree in rocket science is probably a huge turn-off for a guy like you,” she said, standing in the kitchen doorway, beach bag in one hand and a cooler in the other.

“You’re a fucking rocket scientist?” Colter asked.

“Yep, so I guess your assessment of me was correct, I kind of am a know it all,” Norah said.