I narrowed my eyes. If I ever saw him again, I’d let him know exactly what I thought of him. I grabbed my apron from around my waist and threw it to the ground.

Molly handed me my handbag. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ll call you later.”

I nodded and gave her a quick hug. I looked over at Delilah, who was mouthing, “I’m sorry.”

“No worries,” I mouthed back.

It wasn’t her fault, and I knew she needed this job just as badly as I did.

“Bye, guys,” I said, and then I looked back at the man.

“Next time you go into a coffee shop, perhaps you won’t be so rude as to stay on your phone and have loud conversations the entire time. Maybe when you go into a coffee shop, you’d get better service if you were a better customer. It’s a two-way street, you know.”

He raised a single eyebrow at me and shook his head. “Wrong and strong. Okay, then, seems like you still haven’t learned your lesson. If you worked for me, I’d have you sorted out real quick.”

“Oh, that would never happen.” I looked down my nose at him. I could see Charlotte staring at us both with confused eyes. “I’m glad I don’t work for you. You would be an absolute nightmare of a boss.” I paused and looked at Charlotte. “Most probably almost as bad as you.” I couldn’t resist getting my little dig in there. Charlotte had been awful. Her face went red as she tried to think of something to say.

The man shook his head and took a step toward me. I could feel my heart racing as he gazed directly into my eyes. “Trust me when I say I’d get you whipped or spanked into shape.” He paused and winked. “And everything else in between.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” I said. I could feel myself blushing. “Whatever.”

“Oh, Harriet.” Charlotte waved her hand in the air, and I thought she was about to apologize to me and take everything back.

“Yes?” I asked her, waiting for the apology.

“Here’s a newspaper.” She handed it to me with a flourish, looking at Wall Street guy with a sexy smile. “Maybe you’ll find a new job in here…” Her voice trailed off as I glared at her. I grabbed the paper and turned away before I said something rude.

I grabbed my stuff and rushed out of the store, trying not to cry or fall over my two left feet. My face was flushed, and my body was hot, and for some reason, all I could think about was being across that hot man’s lap, having his hands slapping my bottom. “Get a grip, Harriet,” I mumbled to myself. This was not the time to be having fantasies. Especially about the man that had just gotten me fired.


Checking Account Balance: $245.98

Savings Account Balance: $10

Boyfriend Count: 0

“Polly, you’re not going to believe what just happened to me.” I called my middle sister as soon as I walked out of the coffee shop. I was so upset that if I didn’t talk to one of my sisters, I would go back into that coffee shop and throw all the stale pastries on the ground and then throw the Barbies at Wall Street Dude.

“You won the lottery?” she exclaimed in excitement without skipping a beat. That was the good thing about Polly, she was always up for a guessing challenge. Being the middle child, she was used to dealing with every sort of situation. But more often than not, her guesses were utterly ridiculous.

“I wish. I do need the money.” I groaned, panic starting to flood me as it hit me just how screwed I was. I could feel my hair frizzing in the humidity as I made my way to my car. I was so glad I’d wasted an hour blow-drying it that morning.

“You just got hit by a car and you’re looking for a recommendation for an attorney so you can sue and get millions of dollars.” She sounded hopeful. “But obviously, you didn’t get really hurt or anything because that would suck. Just enough damage for a few mil.”

“There are no millions coming, Polly.” I was getting annoyed. I loved my sister, but she had inherited the ridiculous Campbell gene, just like I had. “I just got fired.” I said the last word dramatically and waited for her to respond in a horrified fashion.

“Oh no. So I guess that means you can’t get us two tickets to see Ed Sheeran in Tampa next month.” She sounded disappointed as she let out a huge sigh.

“No, Polly, I can’t get us tickets. I don’t even know how I’m going to pay my rent or how I’m going to find a new place to move into in thirty days.”

“Oh boy.” She paused. “Wait, why did you get fired?”

“Being rude to this jackass that came into the store.”

“A donkey went into your store?”

“No, Polly.” Sometimes I wanted to shake my sister. “A jackass, as in a super-annoying and rude man that was dressed in a frigging suit and treating me like the help and…”