“I’m not volunteering,” Polly said.

“Me either,” Chelsea said. “If you want to stay here, that’s up to you.”

“Well, I do.”

“Hi. Excuse me,” Finn said as he stepped into the room. “I hope I’m not interrupting. I just said goodbye to the last of the guests.”

“You’re not interrupting. I was just telling Polly and Chelsea that I will be staying here. You know the truth, but I’m willing to step up to the plate and be the best housekeeper I can be.”

Finn stared at the three of us. “And I take it your sisters don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Polly stepped toward him and shook her long, dark hair out. “Finn, I think you’re a nice enough guy and all, but do you really think my sister is going to be able to step up to the plate to a level that you’re going to be happy with?”

Finn nodded slowly. “I think your sister can do anything she sets her mind to.”

“Do you think she’s going to clean your windows?” Chelsea added, stepping toward him. “Do you think she’s going to make your breakfast every morning and your lunch and your dinners and scrub your toilet?” She turned to look at me. “You never did any of those things at home.”

“I won’t be scrubbing the toilet here, either,” I said, and then went red. “That’s not part of my job description, is it?” I questioned Finn.

He chuckled. “We’ll hire a cleaner. That’s fine.”

“See?” I stared at Polly and Chelsea in a self-satisfied way. “We’re going to hire a cleaner.”

“So then what will your job be?”

“She’ll be taking care of my affairs. She’ll be like an assistant as well as a housekeeper,” he said, smiling. “You’ll be good at that job, don’t you think?”

“I think I’ll be great, thank you very much.”

“And when are you going to tell him the other stuff?” Polly said, and I glared at her.

“What other stuff?” he asked, looking confused.

“It’s not a big deal or anything, but I am an art student, I’ll be going back to school this fall as a graduate art student, and I may get this grant. And, well, anyway, I won’t be able to be here all the time.”

“Okay,” he said. “Is that your way of asking me to pose nude for you for a painting or something?”

“No,” I said, laughing and shaking my head.

“Seriously?” Polly said, rolling her eyes. “Chelsea, you ready?”

“Yeah,” Chelsea said, nodding. “I think I’m ready to leave.” She looked over at me. “This is your last chance, Harriet. Are you coming with us or not?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head.

“We’re going to go to a fair tomorrow if you guys want to come,” Finn said.

“Oh, you mean the Port Sunshine Fair?” Polly said, looking surprised.

“Yeah, I thought it would be fun and, you know, this way Harriet and I can get to know each other a bit better.”

“Yeah, Port Sunshine has great fairs,” Chelsea said. “The games are so much fun.”

“And the Ferris wheel,” Polly said.

“Yeah, the Ferris wheel’s okay,” I said, shrugging. “It’s not my favorite. I like playing that game where you have to shoot the hole and you’re racing horses.”

“Oh yeah, you love that,” Polly said, laughing. “You want to play it every single time we go. And we spend like twenty bucks on it and all you win is a two-dollar teddy bear or something.”