“Well, the fact that he hired you in the first place after meeting you at a coffee shop where you served him shitty-ass coffee.”

I pressed my lips together. “We’ve been over this.”

“Yeah, we have. And even you admitted you thought it was weird that you got the job.”

“Yeah, but now I know why. It’s because he’s fallen for me.” I sighed. “Why do I have to be so gosh darn attractive and funny and sweet and…”

Chelsea rolled her eyes. “Um, did Mom and Dad tell you they loved you too much when you were a baby or did they drop you on your head one too many times?”

Polly giggled. “I think she got dropped on the head one too many times.”

“What are you guys saying?”

“We’re saying that you’re our sister, we love you, and you’re reasonably attractive.”

“Yeah, I’d give you an eight out of ten,” Polly said.

“You didn’t realize by giving me an eight out of ten, you’re giving yourself an eight out of ten because we basically look the same.”

“I think I’d give myself an eight-point-five out of ten,” Polly said. “Not trying to be rude, but I know how to do makeup way better than you, and my hair is nicer.”

I glared at her.

“And I don’t want to be rude to either one of you,” Chelsea said. “But I’d give myself a nine out of ten because I’m the youngest and the cutest and…”

Polly glared at her. “Whatever.”

“What? It’s true. It’s not my fault that I’m the most beautiful Campbell sister.”

“Guys, enough. I was just joking, by the way. But seriously, I do think that Finn has got issues.”

“Ya think?” Polly said. “This whole thing has been a clusterfuck.”

“I don’t understand why he has been going through with it. I mean, I know I’m a hot mess, but I had reasons for being a hot mess. I was in a desperate situation.”

“Uh-huh,” Chelsea said. “So your point is?”

“My point is, why is Finn doing this? Because what desperate situation is he in?”

“True,” Polly said. “He would have to be real desperate to hire you.”

“Or, like I said, he just wants to bang her,” Chelsea chimes in.

“But he didn’t have to hire me to bang me,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “I mean, he could have asked me on a date.”

“When? When he got you fired at the coffee shop?” Chelsea said.

“Yeah, and you were going to say yes?”

“No, of course I wouldn’t have said yes. I mean, I didn’t think that I’d be blowing the guy that got me fired just a couple of days ago, but it already happened.”

“Well, you know what I think about that?” Polly said. “E-A-S-Yand Easy was her name, oh.”

My jaw dropped. “Really? What?”

“I’m just calling a spade a spade. I believe in honesty.”

“I believe in honesty, too,” Chelsea said in her holier-than-thou attitude.