“How are you going to get sued? You’re the help.”

“Wow. You’re calling us the help when you’re the freaking housekeeper and we’re just doing you a favor?”

“We’re all the help is what I meant to say.” I glared at her. “Now, come on, let’s get this ready because I need to get dressed and changed and—”

“Oh my God, I completely forgot that you’re going to be enjoying the dinner with everyone,” Chelsea said. “This is going to be interesting.”

“Yeah, you can say that again.”

“Is tonight going to be the night, then?” Chelsea asked me with a slight smile.

“The night for what?”

“The night you lose your virginity.”

“I’m not a virgin.”

“You’re practically a born-again virgin,” Polly said. “It’s been forever since she had sex.”

“Then we’re all born-again virgins,” I said. “None of us have had sex in ages.”

“True,” she said, nodding.

“Well, if tonight’s the night, Godspeed.”

“Oh my God, you two are so dramatic and absolutely ridiculous.” I looked at the hard-boiled eggs and started taking the yolk out and putting them in another bowl. I added some mayo, hot sauce, salt, pepper, and celery and mixed it all together.

“Don’t forget the paprika,” Polly said.

“Oh yeah.” I grabbed the jar of paprika that I bought and poured it in but accidentally shook too much. “Oh no,” I groaned.

“It’s fine. Paprika doesn’t even really have a taste,” Chelsea said.

“Okay.” I then looked at the mix and the eggs. “Can you guys stuff the eggs while I go and have a shower and get ready? I need to do my makeup and my hair and…”

“What?” Polly said. “So, what, we’re cooking for you now?”

“Girls, you’re making a lot of money tonight, and if this goes well, I’ll be able to hire you for other events and you’ll be making a lot of money then as well and…”

“Fine,” Polly said. “Go and shower. We’ll do the best we can.”

“Okay. Thanks, girls. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome,” Chelsea said. “I really hope you know what you’re doing, though.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m just saying that you don’t really seem to have a good plan.”

“What do you mean I don’t have a good plan? I created this menu, right?”

“Yeah, but you’re asking us to cook it.”

“Yeah. Well, you guys are smart, and you can follow recipes just as well as I can.”

Chelsea pressed her lips together and looked at Polly. “Okay. But we’re not Michelin Star chefs. We didn’t go to the Culinary Institute of Paris.”

“Oh my gosh. None of us went to the Culinary Institute of Paris,” I said. “We’ve never even left the country, but…” I grinned at my sisters.