“What? Why?”

“Really? You make come jokes and you want to know why I think you’re like a teenage boy?”

“Hey, I’m just saying.” She paused before asking, “Are you on the pills still, Harriet?”

“No. I went off when I stopped having sex. It made me feel hormonal so…” I shrugged. It was true I’d gone on the pill when I was dating a guy in college quite seriously. By seriously, I meant we dated for six months and had a lot of sex. It wasn’t the best sex, but it was still fun.

“So then if you guys bang, you better make sure he wears a condom,” Chelsea said quickly.

“Or maybe she doesn’t,” Polly said and rolled her eyes.

“Excuse me? Why would I allow him to fuck me without a condom?” I said to her.

“You could have a baby and be making some bank and child support.”

“Oh my God, you did not just say that.”

Chelsea looked at Polly and then looked at me. “I ain’t saying she a gold digger.” She hummed the notes to the Kanye West and Jamie Foxx song.

“Guys, enough. I’m not even going to sleep with this guy.”

“Okay, like I believe that,” Polly said.

“I’m not.”

Chelsea looked at me and shook her head. “Honey, we love you, and we’re not saying you’re easy, because you’re not, but you’ve barely known this man for how many hours and he may already thinking,I made you come, I think chances are pretty likely that I can bang her.”

I blushed as I glared at her. “Fine. Maybe we will bang, but only if I want to and only if I think it’s going to be really enjoyable.”

“You already know it’s going to be enjoyable,” they both said in unison and then giggled.

“Sometimes we’re like twins,” Polly said to Chelsea, and Chelsea nodded.

“Okay, Polly, grab your phone. Search for easy recipes. Chelsea, grab a pen and paper and start writing down ingredients once I decide which foods I’m going to make.”

“Yes, boss,” they said, saluting me as if I were a general in the army and they were my soldiers.

“I’m serious. I want to show that I can do this. I don’t want to be the girl that lied to get a job and sucked at the job.”

“…and kept the job because you were sucking the boss off,” Chelsea said, and I glared at her.



Checking Account Balance: $135

Savings Account Balance: $10

Boyfriend Count: 0.75

“Hi, Finn,” I said as I walked into his office. He was reading what appeared to be a textbook. He looked up and gave me a warm smile.

“Hey there, Harriet. Got some dishes?”

“I have some ideas,” I said, nodding as I walked into the room.

“Have a seat,” he said as he nodded toward the brown leather chair on the other side of the desk.