Chelsea wrinkled her nose. “Okay, so this random man that doesn’t even know you, that was a jackass and really mean and arrogant in the coffee shop, has an about-face and is super nice, cares so much about you that he hires you to be his housekeeper, even though he knows you can’t even make a cup of coffee.”

“Your point is?”

“But he’s going to believe you went to a culinary institute in Paris and you trained with Gordon Ramsay and all this shit when you’re barely twenty-two and you’re a broke-ass?”

“What does me being a broke-ass have to do with anything?”

“Wouldn’t he wonder to himself why you haven’t got another job if you have all these skills?”

I stared at them for a couple of moments. “Okay. That didn’t cross my mind. Maybe it didn’t cross his mind, either.”

“It just doesn’t add up, and then you make him the worst breakfast.” Polly giggled. “Remember, Chelsea, she didn’t make the breakfast.”

“Oh, yeah. He asked you for eggs Benedict, and you served an Egg McMuffin and a hash brown from McDonald’s,” Chelsea shook her head, “and he’s somehow still okay with that and asking you to serve and host a dinner party? Something is not adding up here.”

“I don’t know,” I said, my heart thudding slightly.

Now that my sisters were voicing all their concerns, I was starting to agree with them. Why had Finn hired me? In the coffee shop, he’d been a jackass. He did not seem like the sort of guy that would care if he’d cost me my job. In fact, he’d been smirking when I left the coffee shop. Now, he was super nice and sweet and kept giving me chances. It didn’t make sense. This man had been so angry at the coffee I had served him. He practically demeaned me, and then I served him a McDonald’s Egg McMuffin instead of eggs Benedict this morning, and he’d gotten me off?

“Do you think it’s because he wants my body?” I asked them softly.

Polly grinned. “You’re so full of yourself, Harriet.”

“What? I’m just saying. Maybe it’s because he wants me sexually. He’s ignoring everything else.”

“Maybe, but let’s be real,” Chelsea added. “He is hot as hell. He could literally get any woman he wanted. Plus, he is loaded, so not only could he get any woman he wanted, he could get any woman he didn’t want, too.”

“That doesn’t even make sense, Chelsea.”

“It did in my head,” she said, laughing. “I mean, I’m not going to lie, he’s a little old for me, but I’d do him.”



“Look at those baby blue eyes of his. He’s absolutely gorgeous.”

“I mean, he is cute even if he’s a jerk.”

“I haven’t seen him be that jerkish to you, if I’m honest.”

“Me either,” Polly said. “But something still seems off here.”

“Yeah, well, maybe he was having a bad day at the coffee shop and he really regretted it, and that’s why he’s given me a chance, and maybe he wants my body, which is okay because I kind of want his, and this could be my summer of fun.”

“Uh-huh?” Polly said, not looking convinced. “I hope it’s going to be a summer of fun and not a summer of nightmares.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I mean, I don’t want to be rude, Harriet, but you’re not really the sort of girl that can have no-strings-attached sex and not develop feelings. I don’t want you falling for your boss. Things could get really messy real quick.”

“Yeah,” Chelsea added, “like he could get his sperm all over you, and that would be real messy.”


“What? She said it, not me.” Polly just shook her head.

“You’re like a teenage boy, Chelsea.”