“And you’re going to mix them together and say that it’s the Campbell family sauce for eggs Benedict.”

“What?” I looked at her. “Polly, really?”

“Do you have any other ideas? You want to whip up a Hollandaise sauce in the next couple of minutes?”

I stared at her and blinked. “Fine, I’ll try it, but…”

“It’ll work. I’m sure,” she said. “Call me as soon as you give him breakfast and tell me what he says.”

“Okay. Let me head inside. He might be looking for me right now.” I grabbed the bag of sauces from her as well. “I really hope this works.”

“Just put on a Parisian accent and pretend like it’s something you used to do when you were in France all the time.”

“I’ve never even been to France,” I said, glaring at her.

“Yeah, well, you never went to a culinary institute, and you don’t even know how to boil an egg.”

“I do know how to boil an egg,” I said. “I’m actually boiling some eggs right now.”

“Why?” she said.

“So he can think I’m making eggs Benedict.”

“You do know it’s poached eggs, right?”

“I know that, but I don’t know how to poach an egg, so at least I’m doing something to an egg,” I said.

She held her hands up. “I’m just saying. It doesn’t sound like you thought this through at all, Harriet.”

“Well, it’s not like I had much time to do much thinking, Polly.”

She nodded. “I know. Well, just so you know, I got my sleeping bag in my dorm room if you do need to stay over.”

“Great. That sounds like it would be absolutely fantastic, sleeping on a sleeping bag in your small-ass room.” I groaned. “Okay. I need to make this Egg McMuffin work. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye, girl.”

I hurried back into the house quickly and closed the door behind me. I listened carefully to see if I could hear Finn calling for me, but he wasn’t. I hurried back to the kitchen and opened the McDonald’s bag that Polly had brought me. There were two Egg McMuffins, two hash browns, and a bunch of salt and pepper. I looked into the other bag, and there was hot sauce, ketchup, and mayo packets. I bit down on my lower lip. This was going to be a hot mess.

“Hey there,” Finn said, entering the kitchen.

I quickly threw the bags into the kitchen, saying, “Hi, Finn.”

“Is my breakfast nearly ready yet?”

“Why, yes, of course,monsieur,” I said, giving him my best sexy smile. I hurried over to him. “Monsieur, where would you like to eat your breakfast this morning?” I said in my best French accent. I could see he was giving me a weird look. I felt so cringey inside, but I knew I had to play it off.

“I was thinking I could eat in the dining room.”

“Oui, oui. Of course,” I said, grinning at him. I grabbed a hold of his hand. “Let me take you to the dining room and get you ready for the best breakfast experience of your life.”

“What are you saying?” he asked me with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m speaking in my best French accent. You do not know that?”

“Okay. Please tell me that’s not how you spoke to your teachers at the Culinary Institute in Paris.”

“Of course not, Finn,” I said, shaking my head. “Who do you think I am?”